Love You Forever

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Kyle drove to a special place where Johnnie was.He walked up to him,holding a rose and smiled at Johnnie.He was still so beautiful.His midnight blue eyes,his rose-like lips,his space colored hair,his two silver piercings.He loved him,he would love him until the end of time.He stared at Johnnie,watching him just stand there.He was silent,like always.Never speaking,always just sitting there.He was like a statue,a beautiful statue.

Kyle sat down next to Johnnie.They were just sitting there,in silence.From afar,they looked like two people,frozen in time forever.Kyle looked at Johnnie and started to speak.

Kyle: Hey Johnnie.I miss you.You don't speak to me anymore.You don't laugh or smile anymore.It's like all the happiness has gone out of you.I miss the way we used to be.I miss the way you used to be.You used to be so awkward and funny.Now,you're just cold.You ignore everyone and you just sit there.I still love you.I don't know if you love me back.I hope you do.

Kyle's voice started to crack,as he got overwhelmed with emotion.Johnnie just continued to sit there,listening to Kyle.

Kyle:(voice cracking) I love you Johnnie.Why don't you understand that? I love you with all my heart! You won't talk and you don't respond to me.I'm your fucking boyfriend and you won't respond! I don't even know if you love me or not. I want to talk to you.I want to hear your voice.I want to feel you hug me.I want to feel your breath whenever you fall asleep on me.I want you to kiss me like you used to.

After Kyle said that,he started crying hard.Tears rolling down his face rapidly.He laid down in the grass and kept crying.He stopped after an hour.His eyes were still red and a little swollen,his face was flushed of color.Johnnie still just sat there,not paying attention to Kyle.

Kyle stood up and put the rose in front of Johnnie.Johnnie didn't touch it.He didn't even look at it.He just stared in front of him.Kyle stood in front of Johnnie and said a couple more things before he left.

Kyle: I love you Johnnie.I always will.I'm gonna leave now.Love you forever.

Kyle walked away and went to his car.He drove away from Johnnie,the gray headstone that read "Here Lies Johnnie Guilbert. Born: August 8th,1997. Died: July 21st,2016".


Hey guys.So,what did you think? I decided to make this while looking at memes.(Don't question my inspiration).Did you like it? If so,then vote on it.Also,I read your comments and everything but some days I'm really lazy and I won't answer them (Sorry for being a lazy shit) but I will try to answer your questions as fast as I can.I'm going to try something with you guys.I'm going to write a line for a Kohnnie story but I want you guys to keep adding onto the story in the comments.Once someone says "The End",I will look at all your comments and I will transform it into a story.I'm going to set a theme and everything.I'll do this once a week.Hope you guys like doing it.Also,make it creative.Bye My little Whovians and Wolf Pups.

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