Chapter 11: Separation and Truth

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((look at what I drew in like my Graphics Design class and I'm so proud of it so yeah- I'll be drawing the baby sometime over when the next chapter comes out and also there should be a song there too for you readers to listen while you read-your welcome))

Phantom POV

Nothing, I couldn't find anything under and above- maybe it was a false alarm, but still...I didn't like it- not one bit. I slowly make my way into my adorable lover's room, smiling at the thought of having him back in my arms- but quickly frowned to myself as I still had to know what was- that thing, I don't know what it was but I sense bad things from it.
I step back into the small room, a surprised noise ripped out my throat as I come face to face with Jazz. She looks rather angrily at me and I tilt my head, confused- I hear a surprise yelp from the way of the bed- panicked I went through Jazz before she could speak a word. My eyes widen in surprise- he was sleeping just fine when I left.

"What's wrong-"

As soon as those words left my lips, Danny seemed to have thrown a pillow at me. I dodged just pretty easily just by moving off the the side a bit- but the look on his face- did I do something wrong...?

"Shut up- just stop."

He shuddered over his words almost like he was forcing them out, tears rolling down his pale cheeks. I was dumbfounded, really I was...why?

Danny POV

What's with that stupid look he had on his face, h-he just needs to get away from me.

"Go away!"

I demanded, sniffling as I try to wipe my tears away, but they refused - my heart racing- I could almost feel it about to rip out of my rib cage and out me chest. Jazz huffed stepping back in front of me, almost like a defense wall; she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well Phantom, what did he say- go away!"

I would never say it out aloud, but I'm glad to have her as my older sister even though we both got our differences.
I didn't want to look him in the eye but, my heart ached, tearing at the seams. And I saw the frown set upon his face- hurting me inside. With enough courage, I looked into those emerald green...I can't read them...they just look so cold.
Phantom just nodded, quietly disappearing from our eye shot...I whimpered softly. I didn't want to see him....but I wanted to feel him. Jazz sighs softly and sat on the bed, turning to me with a worried look across her face. She held my hand up with her's, emotional, I sniffled, looking up at her, half of me glad she was here, the other was begging for Phantom to come back.

"Oh Daniel..."
She sighed, scaling me, a frown set on her lips.

She asked tone wavering, I could hear the pity in her voice and I-I broke down.
I blinked to keep the threatening tears from falling. But I failed, as fat hot tears ran down my cheeks and dissolving into my lap. A sob ripped out my throat, as I shook my head. Why am I being so emotional!
I felt something pull me into an embrace. And for once I didn't push her away...
-Smol Timeskip-

After Jazz comforted me back to a sane stage, I managed to tell her all about the depression and canoe and choke out what Phantom did to me in my dreams- or more to say Nightmare. I was shaking in my own skin, my hands letting go of Jazz's grip and running up to my throat. I sniffed and wiped my tears away.

"I'm sorry, this is childish-" I was saying until the door of my room was creaked open. Oh no. Non other then my mother herself, poked her head in. My mother's mouth opened ajar as she rushed in- Jazz acted quickly to shove a pillow in my arms before. I tried to smile, but it came out to be painful. My mother held my face in her hands.

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