Chapter 13: Explanations and Thoughts

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((Oh my god, so much had happened over the year shat, family problems, moving, starting a new life again. It's been crazy and I just found my iPad finally so hhhh))

Phantom tensed, holding onto me tightly, his eyebrows furrowed together as he bit down the urge to beat the living lights out of Vlad, I could see it in his face. I would let him honestly, I'm starting to think this was just one of the stupidest decisions we made together.

"Why though?"
He barked out, rubbing circles on my back relaxing me.

"Because ghost are like wolves."
Vlad stated. Phantom growled, clenching his hands into fist.

"That doesn't answer anything!"
He blurred out, he was getting sick of this, he just wanted to get up and leave, I knew how to read him. And like I said earlier. Honest, I would agree to go.

"It's simple really,"
He again sipped on his hot coco. God dammit old man! I'm hungry here too!

"You see, ghost are like wolves, they have mating seasons, they have heats, they have a label."

My eyes couldn't get much wider.

"Labels? Alpha, Beta, Omega?"

Phantom asked, he looked confused.
This certain had me confused just as much as him. It almost sounds made up. Actually, why should we believe our 'enemy'? It could only cause us trouble.

"Nothing is making any sense- Just, Just get on with the point."

I hissed out, I'm only becoming irritated as he gets on explaining everything so slowly and patiently, and it just pisses me the hell off. Start telling us something and finish or just say nothing.

He rolls his eyes and takes another long sip.
"Impatient I see. But if you are so desperately to hear the point, then listen up close." He stated with monotoned.

"All I'm saying is, ghosts are looking for mates and you're giving off an aroma that sets them driven to have you."

I could only stare at him as his words echoed my mind. 'A aroma that sets them driven to have you'. Oh no, no no no. This is just hiding season all over again. Gotta not just hide from society but from horny ghosts after my sweet ass. Great.
I press myself against Phantom some more, just uncomfortable about everything now. From the glances I keep getting to the bad feeling sitting in my gut, or it's just hunger- maybe both, I can't have ongoing stress here too.

"For Gods sake...."

Phantom whispers, a frown setting upon on his face as he closes his eyes and brings a hand up to rub his temples. I can just see the stress now smacking Phantom in the face. I feel like this is all my fault.


I quietly apologize, really if I knew all this was going to go to hell like this, I could have done something differently, probably that is.
Phantom holds me close, such a tensed hold, it scares me. I could feel myself trembling, can't I just have a happy with Phantom somewhere over the rainbow? Why is it so difficult?

"Vlad...Is there anyway to avoid this?"

"..Why should I help you? What will I get in return?"

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