Author Note

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Guys must be getting tired of these random notes that are somewhat a tad important if you like to be informed about this books progress.
So this up coming chapter has to be one of the longest written chapters ever- and much to a bit of disappointment in my end, it's a Halloween filler. It's well on it's way to being almost 3,000 words, and mostly everyone knows I took pride with that one chapter with around 2,470 or something like that.
Well, really I take pride in this story more then most of mine haaa
Now I'm rambling hhhh- but anyways, I hope to get this long chapter out probably on Halloween yaaaay, Spoopy day
After that I hope to get on track with the story again,
I got much potential left before I run out ideas hahah, like a chapter dedicated to beating the poop out Dash, and probably Vlad too
Some happy go chapters dedicated to thoughts before the Lil baby comes around- I have in mind for a gender reveal some day wheee
Gotta progress with the Fenton family- can't run away forever Dan, Mama Maddie will hunt you down soon, while Jack doesn't know what is going on wheeze
So much to do, so much to see- All Star
I guess that's about it for now from dis boi yo, I gotta thank everyone that keeps up with this slow developing story of mine and I hope to catch ya on the next one
Kyle out yo- yes that my name oof, gotta be so awkward-

Bye for now- enjoy the art! Made by yours truly.

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