Infamous Art Class

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Alex's POV

Ash had been assigned to sit next to me in every class. Yay.... ugh. No. I wanted to be able to sit with my friends, but no. Every teacher thought it would be a good idea to have us sit with each other since we already knew each other. But I really didn't want to. Sure, she didn't talk to me, but I didn't want to have her around me the entire day!

The last lesson we had before lunch was art. And once again, I had to take Ash up to the teacher and had to introduce them to each other. Once again, the teacher told her she could sit next to me. Great. I was about to slouch over to my seat when Ash spoke up.

"Umm, actually, I've been seated next to him in every other class. I would like to meet some new people," she asked as politely as possible.

"Ok, sure," the old female teacher smiled at her, "choose a free seat."

I light out a sigh of relief and went to my usual seat: a seat surrounded by all my friends. Ash looked around the room for a bit and started walking to an empty seat. I follow her with my eyes and saw where she was heading. Oh god no. Not Lianne! She was the fucking weirdo shy kid nobody ever sat next to! Ash better fucking turn away now! Why was I allowing this to happen! But Ash had already put her bag down on the floor and sat down. I saw her say hi to Lianna, causing her to look up from her drawing and smile back. After that Lianna kept drawing with a smile on her face. She never fucking smiled. What the actual fuck was going on!

"Yo, dude, you're staring at her," Rian nudged me in the ribs.

"Hmm, who?" I looked away and raised my eyebrows at Rian.

"At Ash, you doofus. I thought you didn't like her."

"I don't, but nobody's going to want to socialize with her now. We will never get rid of her."

"Yes, but why were you staring?"

"Because she's sitting next to Lianne," I rolled my eyes as if it was obvious.

"Ok, if you say so," Rian started whispering since the teacher actually started doing her job, "and I actually think Ash is pretty cool."


We were assigned to make a poster about a problem high school students had, in pairs. It could be anything, nothing would be stupid. But I knew better, the teacher might not judge, but classmates definitely were going to. There was always a wrong answer to an open question about opinions.

Rian and I decided to work together and we were brainstorming ideas. But I couldn't concentrate. My eyes kept wandering off to where Ash was sitting. She was talking and laughing with Lianne. What type of sorcery was this! Lianne never fucking talked, let alone laughed! Did she have some evil plan to murder Ash in her sleep? But ugh, Ash's laugh was just perfect. It wasn't like that over bubbly or high pitched laugh most girls had; it also wasn't like a crazyass donkey; it was perfect.

Opposites Do Not Attract (All Time Low Fanfiction | Alex Gaskarth)Where stories live. Discover now