The Request That Made the Boy Blush

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Ash's POV

A Tuesday morning, room 104, AP calculus. My brain was going crazy. The teacher was explaining things on the board, drawing weird diagrams and placing numbers and letters everywhere. I managed to figure out what some of the things meant, but I didn't understand so many terms. Basically, I was busy trying to translate everything rather than actually learn new things. Why did different languages have different words for things like this! Not only was calculus confusing for me, but so was physics. I was probably going to fail both classes miserably.

When I finally managed to understand one example and actual write it down in my notes, I looked up to find that she had finished another problem. What was this! It was completely different to the one I had just written down. I sighed and looked around the classroom. Everybody was busy writing things down, and I was just left confused. The boy next to me with black hair and glasses, which he frequently pushed up, seemed to be finished. I mean, why not ask him?

So I leaned over and tapped his shoulder, "can you help me? I'm so confused right now. I normally get all this stuff, but it's not in German."

The guy looked so surprised to see that I was talking to him, "y-you want my help?"

"Yeah, who else would I ask?"

"Ok..." he looked at the board and at my paper before proceeding to try to explain thing. But that wasn't for long.

The teacher, Mrs. Williams, noticed us talking, "Ashley, stop flirting with Quentin and pay attention!"

Once again, everybody in the class turned to look at me. But the looks were very judgemental and some were even giggling. Was talking to Quentin also a bad idea, just like apparently talking to Lianne was? I just wanted to talk to whoever I wanted to. This school was so confusing.

"Mrs! Her name isn't Ashley, it's Ash!" Rian shouted from a couple of rows in front of me. Since when was he in this class? I hadn't seen him, but then again I wasn't really paying attention to people. Trying to understand this was a whole lot more important.

"Well, Ash, pay attention. I don't need any PDA in this classroom."

There were more giggles and I blushed, just wanting to hide away from this. Why were things always going wrong? This was a lot worse than I had expected. I just wanted to go home to my dad and brothers and go back to my normal school. Everything was so much better there. Here everybody only cared about gossip and having a laugh.

"No, Mrs," the guy with glasses, now also know as Quentin to me, "she was just asking me to help her with understanding this. You're going pretty fast for someone who has to translate all the math language."

Everybody seemed so surprised to hear and see Quentin talk and stand up for me. Was he another kid that didn't talk in class? He did seem kind of nerdy, but I didn't understand why people wouldn't want to talk to him. Behind his glasses, he was pretty good looking. Maybe it was something about him not being the hottest around in the earlier years of school, and now nobody even dared to talk to him anymore.

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