A High School Celebration Pt.1

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Ash's POV
Prom. The celebration after the finals were done. Guys were trying their best to have the best promposal at school, while occasionally girls cutely held up a sign and flowers as well. This was basically as important as getting married to teenagers. You either went and had 'the best time of your life', or you were the loser that didn't go. It was so adorable to see people asking their crushes to go even though they never had the balls to before, and then there were also those cute couples that had been together since they were 13. The whole concept was so surreal to me. It really was a thing you could only find in America, we didn't have those big extravagant promposals back in Germany. All that happened there was people asking each other like it was a normal conversation.

There were so many girls who were daydreaming, hoping a guy would come up to them and just ask already. But not everybody was so lucky. You had those girls who might have been very shy and quite unpopular, but they still had close friends who would often ask. In the middle, you had those girls that didn't have that group, and they either didn't seem to care about nobody asking them, or they really did seem miserable. Then there were the popular ones, such as Harper, who just got requests from every person she walked past. I had witnessed many thrown at her, but she always rejected them, not one time did she say she'd think about it. Was there someone specific she was waiting for? Or did she just not want to go?

We were in the lunchroom, eating the food we had gotten in the free period we had before. The entire room was buzzing with kids excited for prom, even though it was still an entire month away. In case you were wondering, Lianne was going to go with Jack. They had made up, agreeing that there were no hard feelings and that what happened happened. There was nothing they could change. Of course they were only going to go as friends, though, which Jack surprisingly seemed to be completely ok with. I guessed it was some sort of closure for him.

"Hey, Harper," Edward appeared behind us, still wearing his football jersey, "so, we're going to the prom together, right?"

She put down her fork in her salad and sighed loudly, closing her eyes before she slightly craned her neck. "Nope."

"What?" He seemed as confused as I was.

Everybody thought and expected Edward and Harper to go together. It was one of those things that were just supposed to be that way. They were two of the most popular and prettiest people in the school. It was just obvious that they were going to be prom king and queen; it was matter of cause! And now here she was, rejecting the one guy I thought she was waiting for!

She sighed dramatically again. However, this wasn't just because she was over exaggerating, she was actually more annoyed than she showed. I watched as she got onto her chair, stepping on the table so everybody could see her.

She brought two fingers to her lips, whistling loudly to get everybody's attention. "Alright, everybody! I'm sick of you all asking me to be your date to prom! I'm not going to say yes to anybody here. Believe it or not, I actually already have a date. Thank you very much, assholes!"

There was a silence. Everybody just stared at her, expecting more yet at the same time less. It would just be a matter of seconds before all the whispers were going to start. However, then the unexpected happened, if it could get any weirder.

"Wooo!" Quentin hollered from his place a couple of tables down, surrounded by other people considered 'nerds', before pointing at Harper. "That's my girl!"

That was not even the most out of the ordinary thing that happened. It got even more mind boggling. I was completely prepared for Harper to look at him with the most disgusted face ever, throwing an insult at him. But, no, that's not what happened at all. I still can't comprehend it all.

She blew him a kiss with a smile. "Love you!"

"Love you too!" He waved back, going back to his normal everyday activities.

Harper turned to get off the table, and I was so going to ask her what that was all about. However, just as her feet were back on the chair, she was faced with the teacher on lunch duty. She sighed, not even having to ask what was wrong, picking up her bag and salad. As she was dragged away to the principal's office, she mouthed a sorry to us, but couldn't be bothered to reason with the teacher like she would normally do to stay out of trouble.

"Quentin and Harper, what?" Lianne frowned, biting into her hamburger as she looked at me for answers.

"Don't ask me!" I raised my hand up in defence. "I'm not judging them. I mean, who would have expected Alex and I to get together?"

"Literally everyone!" She exclaimed, looking at me like I had grown two heads. "You can't really be that oblivious! But, where are the guys anyways?"

"I don't know that either," I shrugged, also getting up, "but I think I'm going to go play the piano a bit earlier today. I'm sorry for leaving you all alone, but really, my song is almost finished!"

"Yeah, sure, go ahead, leave me alone!" She sighed pathetically in a sarcastic manner. "Look if I care!"

I laughed, but walked away nonetheless. As I approached the music room, John was just leaving. I was going to go up to him and say hi, but he seemed to be be too preoccupied with something else. So, I shrugged, and went into the classroom that had the beautiful grand piano standing in the middle. However, there was already somebody sat on the chair.

"Alex?" I asked, wondering what he was doing here. I didn't remember him telling me he wanted to meet me here.

His head snapped up towards me, eyes wide. Something told me that he hadn't expected me. He seemed at a loss for words, before hitting a couple of piano keys, creating out of tune chords. Before I could ask him what he was doing, he opened his mouth.

Instead of what was his usual beautiful singing, he started purposely singing notes sharp and flat. "Aaaaaaash, oooooh, you're so beeeaaauutifulll. Oh so pretty! And I looove you so muuuch! Please go to proooom with meee!"

I tried my best not to cover my ears and couldn't help the giggle that came out of me when he finished. He looked at me hopefully as if I would still say no to him. I walked up to him and planted a kiss on his lips.

"I already thought we were going together!" I chuckled, kissing him again.

He raised his shoulders. "I still wanted to ask you, though."

"Like this?" I laughed, wondering how much effort it had taken him to write that masterpiece. "At least it isn't the cheesy balloons-and-a-sign promposal."

"Hahaha, yes, I'd never do that," he shuffled awkwardly.

Exactly at that moment, Jack and Rian came in, wanting to ask Alex a question. Jack had multiple colorful balloons in his hand, which he let float up to the ceiling out of shock as soon as he saw me. Rian was there, holding a long banner, which obviously had been bedazzled with glitter.

"Yeah, never..." I repeated, raising my eyebrow at him.

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