Chapter 3: Don't Make Tobin Mad

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After training was over, I had walked into the building, interested in the history. Wherever I go, I always love to learn anything I can. Whether it be just a small building, or it may not look important at all. You never know what secrets are hidden behind these walls. Tobin, Bean, and Julie had tagged along, and we were all having a good time. It had been 5 weeks since I had seen them, and we were really excited to get reacquainted. We sprinted up the first set of stairs, and it turned into a race. I made it to the top first, and watched as Tobin grabbed for Julie's foot and sort of tripped her up, all of us laughing. We continued down the hallway, pointing out different art works and such. I turned a corner, admiring a smaller painting when all of a sudden, a familiar face walked out from one of the employee doors. A soft gasp escaped my mouth as words caught in my throat. "Sylvia.... Jade." The man's voice said, a devious smile spreading over his face as he leaned his tall frame against the wall, looking down at me as he crossed his arms. His dark brown hair is combed neatly into a small spike, and he has a nicely shaved thin beard and a bit of a thicker soul patch. "Ax.....Axel?" I stutter, my eyes widening at him. "You remember me... Great." His deep voice chuckles, as he stands up so he's looking down at me with his capturing green eyes. Axel and I dated when I was 18, and we broke up just last year. The reason behind our break up was still a secret from everyone. My family, my team mates, even Morgan and Kelley whom I tell almost everything to. "I can't forget the guy that almost kil-" I was about to raise my voice but he slapped his hand over my mouth and slung me into his grip, dragging me behind the door he had came out of. I struggled as best I could, trying to get free or at least make as much noise as I could, but it was no use.

Tobin's POV
Bean, Julie and I were totally amazed by a painting that hung behind a glass case. "Yo, the color is amazing." I said, pointing towards the sky color. "Right? That's a beautiful blue." Julie agreed, crossing her arms as she paid closer attention to the painting. "Looks like Sylv's eyes." Morgan randomly gasped, I laughed. "Seriously? Sylv come-" I turned to ask Sylvia to come over here so I could see, but as I turned I realized Sylvia was nowhere to be seen. I raised an eyebrow, turning my body to glance up and down the hallway. Nowhere. "What in the world? Syl where'd ya go?!" I called out with a laugh, walking up the hallway to see if she had just moved on. The tall forward/keeper was nowhere to be seen. No tan skinned black haired crystal blue eyed girl. My best friend was nowhere to be seen. "Silver?!" Julie called out after me, as she jogged the other way down the hallway. Moe had followed me, and was kind of laughing. "That girl would get lost in a one way room." She chuckled, and I couldn't help but smirk. "True, and she'd have a random injury too. She's always finding ways to hurt herself." I added, as I continued to look around. The three of us met back up, totally confused as to where our fourth partner had disappeared to. After about 25 minutes, I became slightly concerned. Morgan was the first one to grow worried, and Julie had said perhaps she had told us she was leaving and we just weren't paying attention. None the less, I grabbed my phone from my black hoodie, and dialed Sylvia's number. As I held my phone to my ear, I fixed my red snapback on my chocolate brown hair. It rang 3 times before I heard a faint music coming from just down the hall. It was a definable sound, and I knew it just by hearing the soft tune of it. Sylvia had set my ringtone to the Weather Service Warning tone. I glared at Julie and Morgan, both of their heads snapped in the same direction the sound was coming from. I kept my phone ringing as I took off sprinting towards the sound. As turned a corner and the tone got louder, I could hear it behind a door that said "Employee's Only." "Heck." Morgan said, but I simply slammed through the door and stopped. Directly infront of me was a stone stair case with white walls, and I turned to my right to see Silver's phone laying on the ground. I looked around for her, as Julie slowly walked over and picked up her phone. She showed it to us, it was almost completely shattered, and there was a small crack in the wall. Had she thrown her phone...? Just as I was about to say something, I heard a familiar scream from down the stairs, then what sounded like a struggle. Without hesitation, I sprinted down the flight of stairs, Morgan and Julie right behind me. As I ran down the darkened hallway, a large figure came into view. He was pinning Sylvia against the wall his hands around her neck. My face grew red as I was becoming infuriated. "GET OFF OF HER!" I yelled, and tackled the man to the ground. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and pulled back my arm. I could hear Sylvia gasping for air behind me, and I trusted that Julie and Morgan were tending to her. "What in the world do you think you were doing." He growled through gritting teeth, keeping my fist up, ready to punch him as hard as I could. He lifted his hands up in surrender, a slight smirk spreading over his rather handsome features. "Nothing.... I didn't hurt her... I didn't have a chance to." He said, and I felt anger rage through my veins. "What did you plan on doing to her." I asked, keeping my teeth clenched. After a few silent moments, I shoved him into the stone ground. "ANSWER." I demanded, readying my fist once more. He simply chuckled, and I couldn't keep my hand at rest any longer. I decked the man in the side of the face as hard as I could, then shoved him as I stood up and turned to the three. Sylvia was sitting on the ground with her back to the wall, her hands to her neck as she looked at me, I could see fear in her eyes. Morgan was knelt down at her side, rubbing her shoulder to try and calm her down as Julie was standing behind me, an angry expression on her normal smiling face. I gently took Sylv's arm and pulled her up, wrapping my closest arm around her as I guided her back the way we came. "It's okay..." I whispered to her, glaring back at the man laying on the ground as we started up the stairs. Morgan, Julie and I all shared a quick glance, and silently decided we'd wait to ask what happened later.

Hope's POV
I sat on the couch in total silence. I stared blankly at the TV that was turned off, and I continued to sit there without a word. My mind was loud enough. I was still trying to digest what had happened this week, and the deep painful wound was still fresh. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I decided that I'd talk to Sylvia as soon as she walked in. Her and Carli were the only two I trusted enough to talk to about what was happening on the inside of this cold hard shell of a human. But I hadn't heard a single word from Carli since we parted ways in Rio. Not a single phone call, or text, or even a question to check in on me. But I couldn't call or text her either.. I had a feeling she was disappointed with the way I handled things. Heck, I'm disappointed. I don't think I could handle her side of it though. I'm just extremely glad I have the support of Sylv. We had been friends since college, and there was never a point in our relationship that I even thought to doubt her. She was so wise, and had such an amazing way with words, whenever she would give me advice or simply strike a small conversation, I loved every second of talking with her. She would always find a way to make me laugh, and her big sweet heart was just another addition. I can't wait for her to get home, I want to hear how she did on her first day as a keeper.

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