1. Blood Before Sunset

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A/N: Before this starts, Here's some information you might wanna know besides what's in the description. (If you haven't read the description. Read it) Frank is Eighteen years old and left his foster family at sixteen and became known as 'Exe' the murderer at about the same time. Gerard is twenty one physically and fifteen mentally, because that's when he ran away. Which means he was no longer in school, Also had no desire to learn. Mikey was killed/Beaten to death because he stood up for his big brother when their parents tried harming Gerard.

Frank twisted the knife a second time for good measure. Demolishing the gut. Crimson red blood leaked from the stomach followed by sharp screams. He pulled the blade out of the doomed victim then casually pulled his hood up, heading on his way. Some things never change; Get up, sharpen the blade, hunt, kill. His face stained with dry blood but he didn't mind it added to his look. Two perfectly sharpened X's drawn onto his eyes with makeup. Earning him the name 'Exe'. A Black swoop of hair coming down near his chin, the sides of his head shaved cleanly and dyed white. For work purpose he wore a long sleeve solid black shirt, a red tie with tight black pants.

"Where's my money?", Frank sat on the bar stool looking into Bob Bryars drunken eyes. Goosebumps arised on Bobs skin. Bob started to stutter, "I- I don't have enough Exe, I-" Frank grabbed him tightly around the throat. "We had a deal, Bryar." Bob tried to reach for a beer bottle to smash over Frank's head but Frank quickly chopped Bobs fingers off with a fast move of his knife. The sound of crunching bone echoed, blood spilling on the bar table. Frank tightened his grip on Bobs throat,  "Goodbye, Bryar." Frank took the same knife to slit Bryars throat. Those screams were never heard, they echoed the empty bar and Frank left.

Seeing smiles on so many faces was an ugly sight to Frank, if he didn't deserve happiness, why should anyone else? In the foster home he couldn't even eat. The food was swiped right off his plate before his fingers could reach it. The other kids beat him for just about anything they could get their hands on that they wanted. At that time in his life, beating Frank up wasn't hard. He was a small runt. But, once you get out in the real world you learn some shit. If the world hurt Frank, Frank hurt back. It was that simple.


Gerard looked at the bed sheet below him. The sight was slightly stomach turning. The once white sheets, now yellowed, because the cheap ass motel couldn't affrord sheet whitener. The maids probably didn't bother to change the damn sheets. The tiles were cracked, the place was envaded by roaches and plants were growing out of the bathroom sink. Wasn't like Gerard had enough money for anything else besides this shit motel he was in. He sighed, He got up and opened the door to the motel room, walked down the hallway, smiled brightly at the motels manager who looked like an alcoholic on his last leg of life. The man didn't respond to his girly smile. In disappointment, Gerards gorgeous hazel round eyes, now faced down, towards his ripped blue jeans.

Gerard stuck his hand in his long shoulder length black hair, "Sir? Can I stay another night?", Gerard looked up and smiled again, always looking at the bright sides of things. The manager laughed dumbly, "You got Money, Kid?", Gerard took a step back from the smell of his tabacco reeking breath. "All I have is twenty five dollars, sir." Gerard continued to smile.

"You can give me that....and your body." " For that price you can stay for as long as you like, sweetheart." The man looked at Gerard's chubby thighs, fluffy body, hazel eyes, pixie nose and girly features. Gerard cringed, "I would never sell my body." Gerard took another uncomfortable step back.

The man grabbed his wrist. His rough cracked skin groped Gerard's baby soft skin. "Someone help me!" Gerard screamed. The front door bell to the motel rang. The door opened. A short serial killer stood before them Flipping a knife in his hand as if he's done it a thousand times for the mere shock of it.

"Mr.Warner I do believe you also owe me some money, you don't want the same fate as Bryar, do you?" Mr.Warner let go of Gerard's wrist, "N-No Exe...S-sir..." Gerard tried running off. Frank pinned him to the wall, "Who the hell are you?", "I am about to pee my pants and you want me to remember my name?!",Gerard yelpped. A man just tried to molest him and now a freak stained in blood from head to toe was holding his hands down to where he couldn't move.

Frank raised the knife, "Answer.....", Gerard swallowed the lump in his throat and said "Gerard Way." "Well Gerard, as a witness I'll have to kill you too." Said Frank, lowering the knife and looking back at Mr.Warner. "I'll pay extra if you keep the kid alive.", said Mr.Warner.

Frank looked confused, "why keep him alive?" Mr.Warner took some money out of his wallet, "Kid's got a nice body, don't cha think Exe?", Frank looked back and examined Gerard, "Fuck..." Frank mumbled. Gerard lightened up in hope that the serial killer thought he was hot "Slicing big thighs in half is much more satisfying than carving into skinny ones." Frank smiled insanely at his thoughts. Gerard tensed up again.

Mr.Warner hands the money to Frank, "Remember Exe, Don't kill the kid." "I didn't pay the extra for no reason." Frank rolled his eyes.

"But, he's a witness to what I look like, he'll tell the police what the fuck am I supposed to do with him?", Mr.Warner sighed, "Watched him, I've known him for awhile." " He acts like a child, he's almost happy around the clock and who knows why." Frank crossed his arms. "I'm a serial killer, not a fucking baby sitter."

All the words where making Gerard's head spin, all he wanted to do was get out of the situation. "U-um, Are you gonna kill me?" Gerard finally asked nervously. Frank leaned up to Gerard's ear, causing Gerard to shiver and turn as white as a ghost, "Before Sunset, you'll be dead." "I promise you that sweetheart."

AN:// Okay wow, that's much more descriptive than I've ever gotten on one of my stories. If you wanna know about other stories I've written  they are on starfucksfrerard . I'll update this ASAP. Please tell me if you liked it? Okay thanks. I'm a new writer, almost 14 years old on the 20th *whoop* . So yeah I'm not the best writer ever. Okay I'll shut up now.

UPDATE//: I edited a lot of this. I'll probably be re-doing the second chapter or changing it completely.

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