5. Is she covered in blood red lipstick, or just blood?

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Frances stood beside Lindsey. Frances had a poker face, she stood up straight. Her hair was bleach blonde, her face was pale, her eyes a beautiful breath taking blue.

Frank smirked he walked up to the two women, "How late you two fine kitty's working tonight?" Gerard rolled his eyes. Frank didn't plan on flirting my ass, he thought. Lindsey covered her pale cheeks, "oh stop I'm blushing!" She said when she obviously was not.

Frances just stood, she never really liked Frank. Well.... Anyone with a brain didn't like Frank, which a brain is something Lindsey would probably lack. The reason nobody liked Frank was he just gave off that creepy vibe.

"Exe you shouldn't be here, also.... Who's the fluffy dumb looking kid following you?" Frances spoke up with concern and almost maybe some anger in the tone too. Her eyes looking straight at Gerard. "My pet." Frank whispered sarcastically. He giggled then repeats his question. "I asked how late you two were working and you better answer."

"Twelve! Twelve am!" Lindsey chimes in with a stupid grin. She then looked at Gerard in disgust. "Didn't you read the sign Exywexy? No pets allowed!" "Kick him out or slit his throat." Her voice got very dark. Gerard took some very uncomfortable steps back from Frank and the two girls.

"But this pet is special, he can stay." "I need him for er... An experiment." Frances rolled her eyes. "We all know how that fucking 'Experiment' is gonna end, let the poor kid go." Lindsey then began to glare at Frances. "Don't tell my Exe what to do!" "I'm sure the experiment is gonna be so much fun!" She winked.

Wow... Gerard thought, Lindsey was a dumb bitch. She was also a tad creepy. He wondered why these girls seemed to know all about Frank, but did nothing about it. If I had a friend who was a serial killer, he thought. I'd turn him into the police. Then he shook his head. Well I haven't told the police about Frank so I guess that's not true. He stopped thinking to listen further on the conversation.

"Pick you two up at twelve?" Frank suggested. Lindsey frowned largely, her wide eyes drop like they're sad. "Frances can't come, she has to meet up with her boyfriend after work." Frank grinned, Perfect, he thought. Just him and his target alone... He didn't want Gerard to see quite honestly.


It was eleven thirty. Frank was getting ready, ready for killing his pray. Like he was some kind of animal, the only difference was he wouldn't be eating the remains. Those shall be on display. He looked at Gerard, they were both at a fancy hotel for a week. Gerard had no idea how Frank got all the money, but Frank managed.

"You stay here, okay?" Frank said calmly but at the same time demanding. Gerard tilted his head, "Why?". "I don't want you to see any of this, you don't deserve to see it." "You're too...um.... How can I say this? You're just too good." "I can trust you to stay put, right?" "Like a good dog?"

Gerard smiled warmly, he very much appreciated the fact Frank wasn't forcing him to watch a show of blood and gore that would ruin his mind for life. "Yes, Frankie." He almost purred, "Like a good dog."

Frank didn't dare say it. But the way Gerard spoke in that moment, got him heated. It turned him on, the spark of innocence. He smiled, he grabbed a rope and a silver bucket.

"What are those for?" Gerard said confused. Frank looked up at Gerard, "nothing you should be concerned about." He then walked out of the hotel door and headed downstairs to the lobby leaving Gee in the room.


Frank pulled up at the Ballato residence once again, he waited for the chick he knew all too well as Lindsey with the stained blood red lips. She then ecstatically jumped into the passengers seat of his car. "Oh Exey!" She cooed. "Is this like... A date?"

Frank wanted to cringe but stopped himself and mentally switched on 'Fuck Boy Exe' mode. "Of course baby doll." He winked at her. "Why else would I pick your fine ass up?"

"Ooooh I don't know." She giggled. "Hurry up!" She spoke impatiently, "I wanna go!!!" Frank rolled his eyes and stepped on the gas.

Lindsey looked Frank square in the eye as they were driving. "Did you kill that ugly, stupid, fat, pathetic little rat you were carrying around?" "Oh baby." She almost moaned out, "how'd you do it?" "Slit his throat, watch it bleed?" "No that's too basic... Probably something much worse!" "Oh the thought of it turns me on!!!"

"He's not dead, yet." Frank stops his car in an alley way. Lindsey pouts, "darn!" She shouts. Frank smirks widely. He chuckles for about a good two minutes even freaking Lindsey herself out.

"Exe...?" She spoke concerned. "Follow me." He demanded. He got out of the car and Lindsey did too. He walked to a tall ladder that was attached to a tall building that formed the alley way. "Wait right here." Frank says and walks back to the car. He pulled the rope and bucket out. He also patted his pocket making sure his knife was with him. Of course it was.

He walked back and pushed Lindsey into the ladder. "Ow! That hurt, what the hell!" Lindsey thought it was just Frank joking around until Frank wrapped the rope tightly around both Lindsey and the ladder. He tied a knot in doubles. The rope squeezed Lindsey's small waist. "E-exe! Untie me! I- I can't breathe!"

He smirks, "and you won't for very much longer." He grabbed his knife and placed it to her neck. He cut into her neck deep and slow, watching it bleed. He had sat the bucket beneath them and it was catching all the dripping blood. "E-exe!?! Please stop!" Lindsey chocked. He cut more into her neck until he hit a part where blood splattered on his own face.

She stopped breathing, she was dead. But that didn't stop him. He cut into her neck until she was decapitated. He let her head roll down and picked the blood bucket up. He labeled the bucket as Lindsey. He dropped it off at the ballato residences front door.

Frank started to drive back to see his 'pet' .

Updated :)

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