5) Good Morning Beautiful

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Inspired song: Good Morning Beautiful by: Steve Holy 

Chapter Five- Good Morning Beautiful

The annoying, dreadful, door bell obnoxiously started ringing. The noise echoed off the walls, as I groaned and rolled over on to my back on the couch.

Then something big and soft decided to hit me in the head, followed by a groan from Taylor who was spiraled on the recliner. "Cassie door" She mumbled.

I flung the pillow back at her face, and closed my eyes again. "You get it"

She groaned again, still not opening her eyes. "It's your house"

I shook my head "No it isn't. I just live here" I smirked.

The pillow collided with my face again. "Stop being a smart ass and make the noise stop" She, difficultly, turned over hiding her face in the blanket that was bunched up on her lap.

Sighing, I pushed the pillow to the other end of the couch and walked over to the door, rubbing my temples in annoyance as the door bell continued to ring defiantly.

I opened it with a yawn, my eyes scrunching up at the sudden brightness that viciously attacked them. A man was standing there in a brown uniform carrying a vase of white lilies.

My eyes brightened. "Mrs. Felton?" The man asked.

Mrs. Felton? I bit my lip, smiling slightly before answering "Yes" And then realization dawned on me. "Oh come in" I opened the door wider.

He walked in the foyer, and handed me a brown clip board. "Please sign this"

I took it from him, then noticed the annoyed look in his eyes. "Oh you can put them right over there" I pointed to the table that was next to the stairs. As I finished signing my first name, I stopped short, and instead of putting Dean, I put Felton.

The man left through the door and closed it behind him, after I handed him back the clip board. I frowned; well he was a tad rude. Then I turned to the beautiful vase of lilies. I reached for the card automatically, after examining the flowers.

Happy Late Twenty Third Birthday

Mrs. Felton

With all my love,


I smiled and shook my head, placing the card down and smelling the beautiful flowers.

Taylor yawned "Who was at the door?"

"So now you care?" I rolled my eyes while hers drifted to the Lilies. "From Tom I expect?"

"Of course, who else?" I said continuing to smell the flowers.

Taylor just gave me a look, a look that said 'it could defiantly be someone else'.

Even after the day with Taylor, as I was close to sleep, was I still rather confused by her strange look. I felt like I was being naïve, when she looked at me that way. But it was impossible to be naïve in that situation...I was probably looking too much into something that doesn't need to be looked into.

I groaned irritably, something kept hitting my foot in a fast rhythm. I yawned and stretched in the big bed, but the rhythm didn't stop. My foot pressed against it, as if about to kick it, when I realized that it was Timber's tail. Oh okay then, I wrapped my arms around the pillow next to me and sunk back into the sheets, smiling to myself. Then I realized something else; why was Timber excited? Then something hit theground with a thud.

I reached for the lamp "What the-?" Light illuminated the room "Tom?"

He stood up from the ground sheepishly. "I didn't mean to wake you up"

Because I Know There's No Life After You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now