12) It Was Long Enough To Last Forever...

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Inspired Song: Forever By: Rascal Flatts 

Chapter Twelve- It Was Long Enough To Last Forever

Under no circumstances had Blake stop calling, or texting; and a new emotion took control of my body.

That emotion was guilt.

Emma's rant stayed put in my mind. Nothing I could do would get it out of my mind, and I had tried everything. No distraction could subside it, and the worst part is Tom has no idea of anything.

Every time he laughs, a pain shoots through my stomach. It's mocking me, saying that he won't be happy for long.

Which is stupid. It's not like Emma was freakin foreshadowing anything.

I had done nothing wrong. I know I have said that too many times, but I'm sticking to it, because it is the truth.

And the truth is gnawing on my insides, right?

I sighed. Alright maybe I should have mentioned it to Tom...maybe. Am I really doing something wrong? I had never been in this type of situation before and I don't know what to do...

I don't want to freak Tom out over nothing; and it is nothing.

Yet I don't want him to find out from someone else, cough, Emma, cough.

I bit my lip as the guys began laughing, over something I had not heard.

Rupert had come home for a few days, and Emma was cooking dinner. I was helping with what I could...which wasn't much.

"What do you think Cas?" Tom's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

My eyes snapped to his "huh?"

He laughed lightly "Timber, being the ring bear?"

"Oh...like I said before, if you can train him it would be great" I shrugged, and continued to bite my lip.

This is whatever right? Nothing is ever going to happen, so why am I fretting?

Before I could ever ask why, Tom was walking up the stairs; me staring blankly after him.

"So Cas, you nervous for the wedding it's in what? How many days?" Rupert asked.

"Um, yeah, no, sort of" I answered not really thinking about the question.

"That's a perfect answer Cassiebear" Dan said, as Tom came back down the stairs.

"Cas did you-" His face was confused about something.

"Hmmm, what?" I asked, again breaking through a thought barrier.

He blinked "Did you clean all of my stuff? Including shinning my shoes?"

"Yeah...it was in a huge mess. You said that you would get around to it, but I did it for you" I shrugged, and began chewing on my bottom lip again.

He looked around the corner of the stairs, and back at me "And did you clean all of Timber's stuff?"

"Yeah I had the time" I brushed it off again.

"Alright" He said after a moment, and went back to sitting on the couch with his laptop in his hands.

He flipped it up and while waiting for it to load. He grabbed his beer, only to click some buttons before taking a sip and almost spitting it back out. "Did you organize all of my photos?"He asked me.

I stood up "Yeah alphabetically, need another beer?" I held my hand out for his near empty bottle.

"Sure" he said slowly handing over the beer and I walked into the kitchen.

Because I Know There's No Life After You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now