25) Tell Me Your Secrets And Ask Me Your Questions

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Inspired Song: The Scientist by: Coldplay 

Chapter Twenty Five-  Tell Me Your Secrets And Ask Me Your Questions

Three days seemed to have gone by too fast; it was almost unreal. Usually when Tom is gone the days drag by exasperatedly, and it feels like an eternity before I see his face again. This time it felt as if I had just seen him only a day ago.

Once Clay and Karen had dropped me off at the house in the early afternoon, I went straight to research. I'm not that great at research, but I felt as if I had to get more information on this whole eye surgery ordeal. So that I could have answers for my questions as well as hopefully answer the questions that Tom could possibly have. He called everyday and we would talk for at least an hour. The annoying part of this is that he would end up waking me up at six in the morning calling.

Either he didn't realize this or he didn't care, but I didn't complain. I hadn't been sleeping right, I was having foolish nightmares over the surgery. They consisted of me either having to have a glass eye and somehow ending up with a wooden one that splinters, like the one Ragetti has in Pirates of the Caribbean. And then when my subconscious realized this a fork would end up flying into my eye- and that is when I would wake up sweating to my phone ringing on the night table.

I had expected Tom to continue hassling me about the eye appointment, but to my pleasure he had let it go and we hadn't brought it up in our long conversations. I knew that he was on edge about it, and that he really wanted to know what had gone down, but he must have realized that if it was something minuscule I would have told him over the phone instead of wanting to talk to him in person. He kept asking how I was feeling, as if they had found some rare eye disease that is like a form of cancer. I swear that when I accidently coughed into the phone that he was about to get on the first plane home. And I wish that he would just calm down. It's not a life threatening situation that I am in...it's just an eye threatening situation.

I had talked to Emma a few times, and Dan had called once saying that he would be home sometime next month for a few days, which I was happy for, because it would be nice to have some social interaction besides Tom all the time. Timber had been by my side since I had gotten home, and at night it was nice to be able to curl up next to Timber and feel his heartbeat, pretending that it was Tom's

I knew that Tom was home when Timber sat up straight, ears perked up, and then started running to the back door. I grabbed my sweater from the chair and walked down the stairs putting the warm fabric against my freezing arms.

I heard the jangling of keys on the back door and Timber's bark of approval as I reached the last step, and walked into the kitchen.

Tom had just walked through the door way, his hair had been slowly loosing the blonde and now it had just vanished into thin air. I smiled at him as he closed the door and turned on the lights. Timber jumped up and down on him until he noticed his presence and started petting him.

"Good morning" I said as I leaned my forearms on the counter.

Tom jumped up straight and held his hand to his chest breathing rapidly. "You scared me Cas!" Obviously he thought that I was asleep. "What are you doing up?"

I shrugged, "Figured that you wanted to talk when you got home, so I just stayed up"

He scolded me "Well that's lovely, but you should be sleeping"

I rolled my eyes "I'm not sick or anything you know"

He gave me a hard look "No, I don't know Cassie"

I sighed and brushed my hair back with my hand. "Look I just really didn't want to tell you over the phone. The doctor said that I have to have surgery"

Because I Know There's No Life After You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now