34) You Have A Choice, You've Made It Now

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Inspired Song: Falling Slowly by: Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova 

Chapter Thirty Four- You Have A Choice, You've Made It Now

I ran my hand through my hair as I trailed up the stairs. Another phone call gone horribly wrong; another fight that neither of us has won. His phone calls didn't even come that often, and I had learned not to call him myself unless it was some major emergency. After years of this turmoil, you pick up on a few things. One miniscule step forward, and a million steps the other way.

I heard sniffling coming from Lily's bedroom, and I curiously went to check up on her. I quietly knocked on her open door, before having to walk around her bed to see her looking up at me with silent tears cascading down her pale cheeks.

I bent down and sat in front of her. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I miss Daddy" She hiccupped, and then whimpered. "Why does he have to leave all the time?"

I brushed some of her blonde hair behind her ear. "You know why Lil, Daddy is off working"

"But what is he doing? Why does he have to leave? Why can't he work here like Bryce's Daddy?"

I sighed, trying to figure out how to explain this to her-or if I even was going to tell her. We had kept Tom's work a secret from her for her protection. I mean sure she was going to figure it out someday, but was that day today? Her face glowed with unshed tears, and in that moment I decided that it was best to tell her. Tom could yell at me later if he wanted. "Daddy makes movies, and to make movies he has to go to different places." I explained.

Her eyes glistened with a coat of confusion. I bit my lip and looked at the castle clock that was hung up on her pink wall. Six thirty...maybe I'll just let her stay up late, just for tonight. I picked her up and attached her to my hip. "I'll show you what Daddy does all of the time."

"Huh?" She asked, weaving her small hands into my curls.

Fighting the urge to roll my eyes, I asked, "Do you want to see Daddy?"

She smiled, "Yeah! On the compooter?"

I laughed thinking about how many times we have had to Skype over the years , and shook my head. "No, like I said he is busy right now, but there is one great thing about what Daddy does, you can see him anytime you want."

"Really?" She asked in awe, obviously she didn't realize that everything on the television was not reality.

I smiled, "Really."

We had reached the living room by now and I sat her down on the couch and walked over to our movie cabinet. We had never told Lily about Tom being an actor for many reasons, so every movie that he has ever made is up on the highest shelf; only to where she could dream of reaching. I grabbed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone from the side and brought it down, while quickly plopping it into the DVD player and grabbing the remote before sitting down beside Lily, who immediately cuddled into my side.

When the menu popped up I went to the scene selection and pressed on the scene where Harry meets Draco for the first time before they walked into the great hall for the sorting hat ceremony.

As a young Tom came up on the screen, I looked down at Lily to see her reaction. Her face screwed up in confusion as she leaned forward peering through her eyes. "That's not Daddy", she concluded.

I stared down at her, stunned that she didn't recognize him. "Yeah it is Lily, that's Daddy when he was younger"

"Nu uh" She replied looking up at me and shaking her head rapidly from side to side.

Because I Know There's No Life After You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now