19) God Damn Your Beautiful

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Inspired Song: God Damn Your Beautiful by: Chester See 

Chapter Nineteen- God Damn Your Beautiful

A loud clapping noise rang through my ear, followed by a high pitch 'Get Up!'

I mumbled and moved closer to Tom, lying my head in the crook of his neck and grabbing a handful of his t-shirt.

"Cassandra Mary Dean I swear if you don't get up now I'll have to resort to extreme measures!" I noticed that the high pitched voice belonged to Emma. I didn't move. Tom groaned and pulled the covers over us more and grumbled in my ear incoherently. Silence followed the following movements and I fell back to sleep if only for a moment, before the sheet was ripped back and water was being sprayed in my face.

I stared at Emma, who was holding a squirt bottle threateningly, as water droplets streamed down my face. I flipped over to my stomach and put my arms over my head, until she sprayed the water too much so that my shift was soaked.

I groaned and sat up. Tom's eyes blinked open, then shut quickly at the sight of Emma. "Get Out" He said huskily. Emma, paying no attention to him, stared at me as if she had won. Ha!

I peeled off my shirt leaving me in my bra, and crawled back under the covers and hugged Tom who was smirking with satisfaction. "Ugh!" Emma yelled in annoyance and began hitting me. I made no sound or movement that I was awake. "I will get you out of this bed!" She promised and I felt her leave me alone, Tom still smirked sleepily at me and I returned the gesture, until I was hulled out of bed and thrown over Rupert's shoulder.

I groaned and hit his back half heartedly as he walked into the hallway and stopped mid step. I pulled back the curtain of curls that swung back and forth. About half of the guys that were asleep on the floor downstairs last night stared at me, and I realized that I was still only in my bra and pajama pants, breasts practically hanging out. I smiled warily "Hey guys"

Tom rushed through the door way and Rupert placed me down. Tom pushed me behind him, shielding me, and backed us back into our room. Emma was about to say something when Tom told her "Two hours" and slammed the door shut, locking it in the process.

Emma banged on the door. "Cassie you are in so much trouble!"

Though her banging was loud it ceased quickly and Tom grinned at me as we both hopped back into bed for two hours of cuddling and laughing.

"I cannot believe you!" Emma screamed as she drove us back down to her apartment. I rolled my eyes as she continuously swore that she would not let me out of her sight. "You could not go one night without seeing him?! I was worried sick! I thought you had ran out on the wedding or-"

"Geez Em stop spitting out rubbish. I said that I was sorry get over it!"

She sighed and moved her bangs out of her eyes "Fine! I'll let it go for now..."

Taylor, in the car in front of us, made a left when Em's apartment was to the right. "Where are we going?" I questioned.

"Well since you wasted two hours we have to go straight to the studio" She said with anger tinting around her voice.

Well, now that I think about it wasting those two hours was kind of a stupid move. The wedding was starting at 1:30, and right now it is almost 10:00. Yeah really not a smart move.

About twenty minutes later and hearing Emma's unceasing mumbling, we ended up at the 'Studio'. It wasn't an actual studio, but that is what the girls insist that it is.

Elijah was standing outside the building looking floored. As I opened the car door, he came storming up to me "Do you have any idea what time it is?!" He shouted as he led me into the building.

Because I Know There's No Life After You ♥Tom Felton♥Where stories live. Discover now