Chapter Fourteen

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As Rainpaw walked over to Petalstar's and the kits' den, she heard someone coughing. And then- "Tawnyheart, you have to go see Ashpool! It's only going to get worse!" Mother? Thought Rainpaw. She headed to the warriors' den and peered inside. "Mother? Are you alright?" Rainpaw's gasped when Tawnyheart turned to look at her. Her mother's once-beautiful tortoiseshell fur was dirty and matted, her eyes were blood-shot, and she looked as if she hadn't slept in a week. Which she probably hasn't, Rainpaw said to herself. Tawnyheart gave into another bout of coughing. Rainpaw helped Tawnyheart sit down. "I- I'll go get you some- um..some moss. Yeah."

Rainpaw  left the den and half-leapt, half-ran to the medicine den. Hailpaw and Sandpaw, who had just arrived from dawn patrol, watched in surprise. Just as she entered the den, Rainpaw saw a flash of silver and heard someone call her name. "Rainpaw?" Rainpaw gave a sigh of relief. "Ashpool! It's Tawnyheart- she- she has-" Rainpaw took a gulp of air. "She's really sick!" Ashpool's eyes widened. The silver tabby whisked away. Rainpaw followed timidly, not wanting to be in the way, but she wanted to know what was going to happen to her mother. 

Rainpaw sat outside the den, trying to hear what was going on. "Tawnyheart, please! She can't lose you!" This comment startled Rainpaw. Is it really that bad? She thought. Is Mother going to die? Rainpaw didn't want to think about that anymore. She listened to their conversation. They were discussing what treatment Tawnyheart would need; she had apparently finally agreed that she needed a medicine cat. Rainpaw started to walk away, wanting to talk to Windpaw and Hailpaw, but then...

"Mistshine would've kept working!"

"And that's exactly what killed her!"

This surprised Rainpaw. She'd never heard Ashpool so angry before. Or so..terrified. Then a thought struck her. Who is Mistshine? Rainpaw shrugged it off and went off to find Windpaw. From the corner of her eye, though, she saw Ashpool storming to the medicine den, her teeth gritted and her eyes wet with tears. The silver tabby disappeared into the den. Rainpaw stopped for a moment. Then, deciding to ask about that later, she called to Windpaw, heading towards the fresh-kill pile.


Later that night, as Rainpaw was trying to sleep, she heard rustling and then she saw a cat-like shape leave the den. It stopped, then sat down just outside the entrance. Rainpaw realized it was Ashpool. Then she began to speak.

"Oh, Mistshine, I can't do this. She must have overheard us. She's going to tell her brother, then Tawnyheart might be banished."

Mother? thought Rainpaw, banished?

"I won't be able to keep her a medicine cat for long, she's just like you. Fierce, independent, brave..."

Silence. Rainpaw edged out of her nest, she had been captivated in Ashpool's speech to the unknown cat.

"Oh, why wouldn't you just let me help you while I could!?"

Rainpaw flinched. Ashpool shouted her last words to Silverpelt, and then vanished into the forest. Rainpaw panicked, looking around wildly. Anything could be out there! She thought. Badgers, foxes, enemies...

Rainpaw caught sight of a silver tuft of fur. She caught a whiff of the familiar scent of herbs and moss. She followed the pawsteps implanted in the soil. Rainpaw ran from the camp, into a forest she'd barely set foot in. She heard a leaf crunch, she crouched, afraid. Another leaf, another crouch. The fear gaining as her icy eyes filled with moonlight. Rainpaw knew what she would find. Ashpool's mangled body, savaged by a particularly hungry fox.

Rainpaw stopped and listened. She could hear muttering, it sounded like apologies. Ashpool? She stalked up to the silver tabby, and caught some of her words. "I can't do this anymore, Mistshine! You have to let me tell her!"

Rainpaw tilted her head to the side. Tell who what? She thought. Her mentor started whispering so quietly Rainpaw couldn't hear a single word. She edged closer to Ashpool, hoping she wouldn't be caught.

She didn't realize there was a ledge. A sort if a small cliff, and she was on the long side. Rainpaw fell through the thin layer of leaves with a shriek. She landed with a dull thud. Darkness started closing in. But before it could take her completely, she saw a silouette of two silver cats looking down at her, one with an expression of terror, and the other... almost transparent.

Thank you guys SO MUCH!!! I have 800+ reads, and I'm still at the beginning of the story! Thank you to all my readers, you are the people who will make Rainpaw's story unfold. Special thanks to AllyInk, she has helped me with this book pretty much since I first thought of it, and please go check out her Warriors fanfiction: When You Saved Me! Thanks again! Byyyeeeee!


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