☠ Prologue ☠

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☠ P r o l o g u e ☠

I remember the feeling he'd bring to me. The feeling where I felt helpless, weak, pathetic. He'd control me; I was his. I belonged to him in his eyes. But the feeling of running away made half of that fade. Although the other half killed me. It seemed to crush my lungs with every breath I took. As if I was at lack of oxygen, but no matter how hard I tried to breathe properly I couldn't. My whole body shook. I felt as if I was going to have a nervous breakdown. And the reason behind this was simple. I knew he'd look for me. I knew he'd do anything and everything in his power to achieve his goal. His goal of having me, and him only having me. The thought of me being with someone else would drive him crazy. Crazy insane to which he'd do the unthinkable to get his way. And in his eyes, he was going to get his way. But in my eyes, I was going to win this round. And he was going to lose for once. And that 'he' was Harry Styles.

As I stood with the tiny piece of the ripped paper that read those two words that left me petrified, I looked for Carol.

"In here dear," She called.  "What is your plan now?"

"Well to start it off," I sighed running my fingers through my knotted blonde hair, "I need to change my appearance."

"And how can I help you with that?" Carol raised an eyebrow confused. 

"Well," I paused before continuing, "we already cut most of my hair but.."


"That isn't enough for him not to recognize me, in case he ever did end up finding me somehow. We need to think deeper." Silence filled the atmosphere before Carol snapped her fingers.

"I got it!" She exclaimed. I looked at her confused when she got up and made her way over near the bathroom.

"What are you doin-"

"I dye my hair, obviously or else I'd be completely gray but, I still have some left over! I could dye your hair for you." 

"Really? That's brilliant! I wonder why we never thought of that before," I giggled as I walked over towards her. 

"Although, it'd only temporary. After about ten washes it starts to fade so, you'll have to apply more when it does so."

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After having my hair dyed, I looked at my reflection. I already looked different. My previous hair was blonde that went all the way down to my belly button. Now, it was brown and cut a little past my shoulders. Fortunately, Carol's friend worked at Eye Care Center, which was exactly what it sounded like. Basically, she was able to order me colored contacts to disguise my whole being. While all along, I was already practicing and advancing my British accent instead of my normal American one. I couldn't go back to work, or anything anymore. I had to be a whole new person. In my life now, my new life, I never heard of a 'Jade', and Harry nor the rest of the lads ever were apart of my life. But then, looking in the mirror something caught my eye. I gasped at the sight of it. The mark. It seemed worst than ever, and getting worse by the second. My hair being shorter didn't help the situation. In fact, it made it even worst. 

"Oh dear! What is that from?!" Carol asked. I couldn't tell her. I didn't want to put her in even more danger than she already was in. The actual love bite was a dark shade of purple. The sensitive skin around it was dark red and purple visible. I sucked in breath when the stinging sensation became more frequent and vivid. It was throbbing, and each time I looked at it, it seemed to be getting more and more vivid, purple and red. 

"What is happening?" I screeched, closing my eyes as I winced. I could hear my pulse in my ears, the pain becoming unbearable before I was on the floor, my knees touching the tiles as I kept my eyes shut. My forehead also came in contact with the tiles. Tears pricked in the corners of my eyes, pleading for an escape before they did, rapidly falling down my cheeks. I cupped my hand on the sensitive skin on my neck where it hurt the worse at the moment.

"I'll get you ice," Carol responded to my reaction, hurriedly going into the kitchen to get the ice she just mentioned on about. But suddenly, it stopped. As if a blink of an eye, it was all over. Every single bit of the pain washed away. I didn't realize I was holding in a breath before I exhaled slowly. I opened my eyes, before silently and slowly, carefully standing to my feet. Carol came back with the ice, but I shook my head. "I don't need it. Do you have foundation? Powder?" I asked and she nodded. As she rummaged through her things in the bathroom, I attentively removed my hand that was covering the horrid love bite. When I examined my neck through the mirror, my mouth fell agape. My eyes widened. The love bite was almost completely invisible. As if it was fading away. My eyebrows frowned.

"May I?" She asked me. I nodded as she lightly applied the makeup to the left side of my neck where the love bite was, and covered it. By the time she was done, it looked as if the love bite never even was there to begin with. A smile sprawled out across my face in satisfaction.

"Thank you," I practiced saying in my British accent. She grinned.

"Anything, dear," She paused before I turned around to look at her. Her face held a bewildered expression.

"What?" I asked her, although she didn't answer. She only stared at my face, almost examining it intensively. "What is it, Carol?" I asked her again, my heart beat increasing its' speed. Suddenly, she smiled.

"Nothing my dear," She stroked my hair. "Nothing at all."

"I actually feel like everything is going to be okay and go as planned," I smiled full of hope as I hugged her. But just then, there was a load bang sounded as if it was coming from the front door. And in that moment, I knew I had spoke too soon. 

☠ ______________________________________________ 

This is only a filler! It's the sequel, please continue reading! Just keep reading until after chapter 3 because it's worth it. The next two or three chapters are just filling in and explaining everything before... The suspense and chase comes in! DUNDUNDUN. THIS SONG GOES WITH THE STORY I THINK, RIGHT?! >>>>>>>>>>>>

I LOVE "Daughter" AND THEIR ALBUM "If You Leave" OMG IM OBSESSED. But yeah, and yes I made the book cover! What do you think?! Do you like it? ;) and THE VAMPIRE EDITS ARE BACKKK!! [vampire Harry on the side I made.. follow my tumblr, twitter, ask me questions on ask, and follow me here. Just go on my profile on here and look in my bio for all the info.] So, there were many votes for the title but the most liked one was "You Should Be Afraid" therefore, it is the title for the sequel! I'm so excited for this story, omg. PLEASE READ MY OTHER ONE, "My Singing Angel". IT'S NOT LIKE ANY OTHER FANFICTION. I hope you enjoy, and stay with me! More crazy shiiieet's coming your way ;) STAY TUNED! xxxx

~jade xxx


p.s. just so that there aren't any complaints, this is a HARRY STYLES FANFICTION. The boys will only be in this story in tiny bits and pieces, but barely any. Just to establish that!

☠ You Should Be Afraid [Sequel to: Are You Afraid?] // h.s. [a.u.] ☠Where stories live. Discover now