☠ Chapter Seventeen ☠

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☠ C h a p t e r  S e v e n t e e n ☠

**Jade's POV**

I was in a room. A dark room to be exact. I had no control over my body, and I was trapped in God only knows where. Every time I even attempted to move it was useless. I was unable to do anything but think and breath, or maybe that was the thing controlling me as well. 

Why me? I thought.

"You see sweetheart, I'd let you go but then that wouldn't be so much fun, now would it?" I said out loud. Really, the thing was saying it for me.

What are you going to do? I asked it.

"You'll just keep running back to your pathetic little blood sucking boyfriend, won't you? Hm? Am I correct?" it asked me. 

No, I thought. You're actually wrong. 

I smirked uncontrollably. "Well I guess we can make a deal, yeah?" it made me say, evilly. "I will let you go, but under one condition."  

Anything, I pleaded. 

It made me chuckle. "You never see your pathetic boyfriend again and," it paused grinning, "you'll be mine." That made me confused. Was this thing a man? A boy? A girl? What was this thing controlling me, and inside of me? But as much as a part of me wanting to be close to Harry, another part of me wanted to be as far away from his as possible. All I ever wanted was to find my mother, and that is still my mission. But the only way I can think of is for me to give in to this.. Thing. And then  I will have my way. 

I just want to see my mother, I pleaded.

"And so we will, right now if that is what you'd like," it informed me starting to get up. I didn't know how it could see so well in this pitch dark, but I didn't question it. That was the least bit of my worries at the moment. 

I need you out of me, though. I want to see her as myself, I told it. It stopped.

"Only if you take up on that offer. Then, we will. Your choice, princess," it said whistling after.

Fine, I thought. It smirked before suddenly, I felt weightless, and then everything went black. 

 ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

I woke up to a bright room. I opened my eyes, squinting from just how bright it actually was before sitting up. And then it hit me; I could move. I could move! I jumped out of the bed I was in, before quickly falling back down with a thud! "Where am I?" I asked out loud.

"Don't worry, you'll be all right," someone said from behind me. I turned around to see a male in the room with me. His dark hair quiffed up as he soon stood up. "It's just the side effects after I'm out of your body." He smirked. Wait, what? 

"Wait, what?" I spoke up mortified. That's who was controlling me?

"You heard me," he spoke and smirked. I laughed in disbelief.

"You are what was taking over me?" I asked him. He nodded. He didn't seem at all what I had expected.

"What?" he asked me. "Are you shocked or something?"

"Yeah, actually I am," I said. Then I realized, I was just having a normal conversation with someone who was literally controlling me. I should have been freaking out, not remaining calm for God's sake! "Who even are you?" I asked. It was impossible for me to lash out, no matter what. I remained calm for some unknown reason. Then it hit me; must be some of the side effects I am guessing? Suddenly, the person, or thing, laughed uncontrollably causing me to become fearful.  He shrugged.

"Who even knows?" he smiled. I looked at him in confusion. 

"You mean," I stopped, sitting on the edge of the bed upright, "you don't even know who you are, yourself?" I asked. He nodded, once again. "How is that even possible, man?" I asked. He shrugged. I sighed. "That makes no sense. That makes no fucking sense! God damn it, why am I even here?! I thought I was going to see my m-"

I stopped when a hand was placed over my mouth, the figure directly in front of me in a matter of seconds. That's when I realized it was definitely no way humane. 

"Don't you ever swear like that around me, got it?" it snapped. I nodded before he realized me harshly. I caught my breath before asking a question that's been on my mind for awhile since I've been around this thing. 

"What even are you?" 

He smirked before backing away from me, toward a door I was not even aware of until now. "I'm a shapeshifter, baby. And you're in for a hell of a ride." And with that, the door was shut and he was gone. 

 ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

**Harry's POV**

"We need to fucking find her quick, Liam! Hurry the fuck up, something is fucking wrong! I feel it, goddamn it!" I cursed every word I fucking could. I was pissed. It was quite obvious. 

"Harry, you need to calm down! If you can't track her down then how do you expect we are going to fi-" I put up my hand to stop him from talking when I suddenly could catch something.

"Wait!" I exclaimed smelling her all too familiar scent. "Holy fucking fuckery I can smell her!" I jumped with joy. "Fuck!" I cheered. It may seem like I was unhappy, but I was the complete opposite. I was so thrilled. Now I could get the love of my life back with me to have and to hold. 

☠ ______________________________________________ 


I changed the cover. do you like the new one or the old one better? the old one is over on the side if you don't remember >>>>

lol the ending felt weird for me to write.. idk it just did but whatever. no going back now, eh? ;) anyways, comment which cover is betteR. pERSONALLY I LIKE THE NEW ONE BUT WHATEVER 

 ღ ~ jade ~ ღ 

☠ You Should Be Afraid [Sequel to: Are You Afraid?] // h.s. [a.u.] ☠Where stories live. Discover now