☠ Chapter Five ☠

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[Read the author's note at the end, please and thank you!] X

☠ C h a p t e r  F i v e ☠

**Harry's POV**

She left. Jade fucking left. And you know how that makes me feel? It makes me feel helpless. It makes me feel not complete. It makes me feel stupid for ever trying to trust her. And lastly, it infuriates me. I am so inflamed, it makes me feel like I could kill anyone and everyone that steps in my way. Maybe even her. How dare she disobeyed me and went behind my back, and left me. After me trying to keep her safe. Doesn't she understand how much I love her? Doesn't she understand it hurts me inside to think that she hates me, and wants be far, far away from me? It does. It hurts like a mother fucker. In fact, I might as well just have someone rip my heart out and away from my chest, because that's exactly what it feels like. And I hate it. I hate feeling like I'm not in control. Like I have apart of me that is dead. Yes, techniqually I am. But, I don't and can't believe that. Because yes, I can still breathe, and yes, believe it or not I still have feelings. So, in my mind I am still alive. But the thought that she is out there somewhere, away from me is so frustrating. It makes me cringe. Knowing that I could no longer hold her, or kiss her, or see her bright blue eyes, or the way her long blonde hair swayed and fell down past her face and to her belly button made me go insane. Knowing that she was out there alone. But the thing that really made me angry was that she didn't have to go. She chose to. And that's what makes me feel like I had to change her. I had to change her mind, so that she knew that that was unacceptable. I was testing her, and she failed. But just like I wrote in the note, she couldn't get away. I would always find her, and she'll always be mine. Mine to hold, mine to kiss, mine to love. And I will find her. She would only be able to escape, but not for too long. Because I am much faster, stronger, smarter than her or anyone around her. And I always get my way. And like always, I will get my way with her again.

"To be honest Harry, I'm surprised you aren't panicking," Liam said to me as I sat still next to the vehicle  window, looking out it as we drove to our interview we had. 

"Why would I? I'm going to get her again, Liam. So there's no need to panic," I shrugged and felt a smirk appear on my face. Liam only sighed.

"You don't really know if you can get her ba-"

"What are you trying to say, Liam? Hm? That I won't get her back to be my own? Do you not know what I am capable of?" I asked him with a sinister grin. He only shook his head and sighed once again.

"I do know what you're capable of, Harry," he said looking down, "and that's what I'm afraid of. I don't want you to hurt that poor gir-"

"I'm not hurting her, Liam," I interrupted him. He stared at me in worry. "When have I ever hurt her?" 

Liam looked at me and shook his head again. Seemed like he was good at that. That and sighing as he did it again.

"You have plenty of times, Harry," Liam replied. 

"When? I've never hit her, and yeah maybe I pushed her up against a wall but it's not like I physically hit her to where she was bleeding or-"

"Listen to yourself, Harry! And it's not just physically. You hurt her both physically and emotionally. Why can't you just admit it to yourself?" Liam was now the one interrupting me. The way he spoke, and the words that escaped his mouth made me antsy. No, he isn't right, I thought. He couldn't be. Jade was happy with me. She loved me, just like I loved her. She just had to get it through that pretty little head of hers that she was mine, and only mine. And I was hers. I loved her, and she loved me. That's why she showed up that night and caught us, because it's her. We're meant to be. Maybe that's why Faith didn't work out, because Jade's the one. That has to be it. I can't see myself with anyone else. And I couldn't dare to think of anyone else besides me with Jade. That thought literally sickens me. Makes me angry. I would kill any fucker who even so what as attempted to even touch her. She is mine. Just the thought makes me want to punch a wall. It brings the dark side of me to life. I had to admit, Jade was my drug. I needed her. She was my weakness. And I needed her back with me to myself, so that I knew I was the only guy intimate or even any type of relationship more than a friend in her life. But then something flew into my mind. The look in her blue eyes when the evil side of me showed. The fear in her eyes. Her movements were fidgety and fast, she was afraid of me. Sure, I liked it. I liked it only because that meant I had control over her; dominance. But the other half hated it. The good half. That was the side that hated seeing her afraid. Especially knowing I was the cause of her fear. I wanted to hold her close and tight, comfort her from her fears. But in reality, I was the reason for them. And that also sickened me. So part of me loathed seeing her that way, but the other loved it. It was a thrill. And a crazy one for that matter. 

"Just, just stop it Liam. You know I can't help my feelings toward her. Apart of it is from the mark," I explained. 

"Which you didn't have to give to her, Harry. Seriously," he replied, which made me feel like complete and utter shit. But he was wrong. I did have to. So I did.

 "Alright, Liam. Jeez, if all you're going to do is lecture me, I really don't need it right now. So I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd just stop," I snapped rubbing my eyes with my palms.

"I'm sorry Harry. I don't mean to gang up all on you. It's just I know what you're capable of, and I'm just afraid of what is to come. Plus, what if you get caught," Liam pointed out. I sighed in frustration before replying to his statement.

"No, I am not going to. Because I'm not going to be doing this alone," I smirked. That comment caused Liam's full attention on me as his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. I only smirked wider as I finished my sentence, "because you're all going to help me."

  ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ▁

**Jade's POV**

After having the encounter with the newspaper in the park, along with my plans, I decided it'd be best to go home and get some rest. Because seriously I needed it. I didn't even realize that Boo was already gone until I took my eyes away from the article and scanned around the park to see nothing. Nothing but trees, entertainment toys, games, and objects for kids, and the horrific memories of what happened in this exact place. That's when I decided that I had to get out of there. So I began walking away and back to the home rental where I will be staying in for a little while. 

As I walked along the sidewalk, I couldn't help but bring my mind to someone. Harry. As weird as it sounds, I couldn't help but think about him. I couldn't get him out of my mind. I was wondering, what does he think about all of this? Does he know I'm gone? Is he mad? Is he looking for me? But then I mentally slapped myself in upside the head. Of course he is! Why wouldn't he be? Just as I was thinking these thoughts, I could hear something behind me. But that something didn't sound like footsteps, nor talking, or anything of that sort. No, it sounded like wheels on the road coming toward me. I looked behind me to see bright headlights coming down the street my way. I instantly turned back around, hugging my jacket closer to my body as the noise got closer, closer, closer, and louder. Just as it was right next to me, it seemed to lower and their speed decreased. My heart started to race inside my chest like a drum when they almost came to a complete stop. Just as I looked over to see who it was, and what they were doing, they spode off in a hurry. The night sky was dark, and their windows were tinted in so sadly I could not see who it was, or what they were doing. But obviously they were checking to see who I was. But why? Then suddenly, another question played into my brain. Who was that? 

☠ ______________________________________________ 

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERIEBODYYY! :D I hope it's fulfilled with bless, and love. Ahaha. my birthday's in 12 days, guiiise :ooooo

 I did a Harry's POV ;) So now you know what might happen!! Duh duh duh.... PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR! Check out my new fanfiction, "Trepidation" which is another H.S fanfic. You'll notice I mostly only do Harry... But I'm thinking about doing one of the other boys soon! Should I? Lemme know :) But I'm going to post chapter 1 of Trepidation today later on, so please keep checking. I really think you'll like it, and it's different than others. So yeah. Happy new year, and I love you allll! :D FEEL FREE TO INBOX ME IF YOU EVER WANNA CHAT! IT'S ALRIGHT... DON'T WORRY, I DON'T BITE ;) X

 ღ ~ jade ~ ღ 

☠ You Should Be Afraid [Sequel to: Are You Afraid?] // h.s. [a.u.] ☠Where stories live. Discover now