Ch. 1: Emergency

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The day started off normal. Well, as normal as it could be, with roommates like mine. I was just walking back from the new convenience store downtown because my friend just started working there and wanted to show me around. So I agreed, thinking that I needed a little walk and time by myself to relax. I did live in a house with three guys, after all, and peace and quiet was hard to come by. I was walking up to said shared house, but as I was getting closer my phone buzzed, signaling I had gotten a text from one of the boys I lived with: Edd.

Edd: Hey, how far away are you from the house???

(Y/N): Not far

(Y/N): Why?

(Y/N): Are you guys ok?

Edd: Just hurry

(Y/N): Okay???

Needless to say, I was slightly alarmed. Edd never got this panicky- that is, unless it was about his 'hidden' cola stash in the back of the fridge finally running out. And I know for a fact that I had stocked up on cola the day before. So this really was odd, to say the least.

I rushed to the front door, my mind racing with all the worst possibilities of what could have happened to my friends. As soon as I got there, I swung open the door only to find Edd and Matt yelling at each other and Tom drinking cola on the couch.

"What the fudge is going on?!?" I yelled grabbing, the attention of all three boys.

"(Y/N)! I'm so happy you're here!" Edd said, practically knocking me to the ground with his hug.

"Edd, could you- uh- get off me, please?" I said while trying to pry him off me.

"Uh, (Y/N), I'm over here." Tom said from the couch.

".. What? Wait, but then.... I'm confused. What's going on? Why did I get texted in a panic?" I asked, looking between all three boys.

"Well, to summarize, we've all switched bodies, apparently." Matt said, grabbing Tom's canteen. He went to take a swig, when Edd smacked it away.

"I will not allow you to put any of that gross alcohol into my body." Edd huffed, glaring at Matt who was just looking down at the fresh alcohol stain on the carpet.

"Well, can someone tell me who's in who's body?" I asked as I looked around, extremely confused at what was happening.

"Matt's is in Edd's body,

Tom's in Matt's body,

And Edd is in Tom's body." Edd said from Tom's body.

"Okay.. wait, then does this mean Matt was the one who texted me from Edd's phone, not Edd?" I asked, still trying to grasp this whole body swapping thing.

"Nah, I still texted you from my phone. After all, no one could crack my password!" Edd said from inside Tom's body.

"Edd, we all know it's cola." Tom spoke, but the words came from Matt's mouth.

"Wha- NO!" Edd protested, to no avail.

(From this point on, I'll just refer to the characters as this: if it's Tom's personality, but he's in Matt's body, it'll be written as Tom/Matt. So the personality will come first, but the body they are in will be after.

Got it?

I hope so.)

"Ok, but how did this happen?" I said, motioning between the boys with my hands. "And are we going to be able to switch you guys back?" I wondered aloud.

"Both very good questions, but I'm afraid we don't have answer to either of those." Tom/Matt said.

"Well..." I trailed off, "what now?"

"I mean, I think we might just have to wait this out until we switch back." Tom/Matt said, sitting on the couch next to Edd/Tom and digging through the cushions for the TV remote.

"But I don't wanna be in Edd's body anymore! I want my naturally beautiful face back!" Matt/Edd whined, finally letting go of me (which was nice, because I needed to take off my jacket. It was hot in here.

"Trust me when I say none of us want to be in any bodies but our own." Tom/Matt said, also sitting down on the couch.

" Well... since we can't seem to sort this out, I'm just going to head up to my room." I said to no one in particular, heading for the stairs. But Edd/Tom's voice stopped me.

"Don't you want to hang out with us and watch TV?" He asked.

"Ehhh... sure. Just let me get in the shower so I can change into PJ's." I said as I walked to my room, grabbing a towel and some PJ's to change into. I walked to the shared bathroom, setting down my clothes and closing the door.

I slipped off my clothes after starting the shower, putting on a playlist of songs. It had only taken me a couple of minutes to finish showering, and as soon as I had put on my underwear and bra the door suddenly opened with a shocked Edd/Tom staring at me from behind it. I quickly grabbed my towel from the sink to cover myself and frantically yelled at him to get out.

As soon as he left, practically sprinting down the hall, I immediately locked the door and finished getting dressed before heading back downstairs into the living room. Matt/Edd was nowhere to be found, and only Tom/Matt was on the couch watching Professor Why.

"Where are the other guys?" I asked, stopping behind the back of the couch and not taking my eyes off the TV screen.

"Edd went to use the bathroom and Matt went to bed, I think." Tom/Matt responded in a monotone voice. My face slightly reddened when I remembered that Edd, in Tom's body, saw me in only my bra and underwear.

'Why can't I just learn to lock the fucking door?!" I asked myself, internally face palming.

'Shit, I wonder if that was as awkward for him as it was for me. I should probably check on him...'

"Well, good night, Tom." I waved to Tom/Matt as I made my way back upstairs.

"Night (Y/N)." He said, getting interrupted by a yawn. He was probably going to fall asleep on the couch tonight.

I walked past my room to get to Edd's, taking a deep breath as I got to the door. I knocked on it to make sure he was actually there and not asleep, but I didn't get a response. Not wanting to knock twice, and having been friends with Edd long enough for barging into his room to be considered okay, I grabbed the doorknob and twisted it slowly. Inside Edd's room, I noticed he was not asleep: just laying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling. I walked over and sat next to him.

"So, umm, about earlier..." I started off the conversation awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Sorry, I just forgot you were in the shower..." Edd/Tom trailed off, his face a slight shade of pink. His still stared up at the ceiling, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"I mean, it's fine, it was my fault for not locking the door, after all." I said. "And we've known each other long enough to not be awkward, right?" I asked, ending my sentence with a yawn.

Edd/Tom didn't respond.

Resting my head on Edd's/Tom's shoulder, I didn't realize that I was drifting off until I opened my eyes to find that I was under Edd's covers with him spooning me. I blushed fifty shades of red before trying to get out of his grip, finally accepting the fact that I would only be able to get out if Edd woke up and willingly released me. So I just fell asleep with the comforting warmth of Edd/Tom hugging me from behind.

So, that was the first chapter of the story! Chapters will be updated every other day (there are five total) so stay on the lookout to se what happens  :0

~ Isa and Cas

Edd x Reader: ComplicationsWhere stories live. Discover now