Ch. 5 Better Than Normal

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    "Sorry, I was just fed up with Tord's horrible directions." I said apologetically to Matt, who was now in his own body, along with the rest of the boys. Tom snickered.

    "Well, now that everything's back to normal, I should go." Tord said, turning around to leave, but before he could leave my room I locked the door and blocked the exit.

    "I don't think so." I said, glaring at Tord who just stood there casually. "You have some explaining to do."

Tord's POV

    'Does (Y/n) seriously think her blocking to door will keep me from leaving?' I thought to myself. 'I'm the Red Leader for fuck's sake.'

    "Do you really think you can stop me-"

    "I still have the gun." (Y/n) interrupted. "Don't make me use it."


    "Fine." I said nonchalantly. "What do you want to know?"

    "First off, admit that you didn't make the gun." She said, one eyebrow raised.

    Shit, if she knew I didn't make the gun, then she probably found out about Paul... and Patryk... and their gayness... crap.

    "Yeah, alright, fine. I didn't make the gun." I played it off like her innocent request wasn't a big deal, a bored look on my face. "Is that all?"

    "No," She continued, "I want to know why you switched their bodies in the first place."

    Well, I didn't see that coming. But hey, fair question.

    "Honestly, I just wanted to see these idiots confused and wondering what the hell just happened." I admitted, grinning.

    "Now, are you done questioning me?" I asked. Patryk and Paul were waiting outside, waiting for me in the car.

    "Yeah, I guess that's all-" (Y/n) started, and I was out.

Your POV

    Looking out the window to see where Tord rushed off to, he climbed into the backseat of a car. As it started to drive off, it backed up into a lamppost, smashing a rear blinker. An echoing "Sorry!" came from the driver's seat of the car, and a "Why did you let Paul drive? You know what happened with that plane!"

    Now bringing the car forward, it crashed into a tree, backed up again, and smashed a fire hydrant before finally successfully driving off, leaving water to flood the street.

    "Well... that was interesting." I said, putting the curtain back into it's normal position and turning back around to face Matt, Edd, and Tom.

    My comment was seemingly ignored by Matt, however who rushed upstairs yelling something about how 'beautiful face had returned.'

    Tom, on the other hand, simply went to the kitchen fridge, grabbed a bottle of Smirnoff, and mumbled a 'I drink to forget but I always remember.' Before finally getting into his room and slamming the door. This just left Edd and myself, and I decided that, since the commotion had died down, relaxing on the sofa watching TV would be the best option. Not long after Edd joined me in watching the newest episode of 'The Children.'

    However, I couldn't shake the thought from my mind of earlier, when Edd was in Tom's body. He obviously had some control at that point, it wasn't just Tom's personality taking over... so I decided to question him about it, since all the commotion had died down.

    "Hey Edd?" I started, turning to face him. He didn't take his eyes off the Tv screen, but said 'hmmm?' to show he had heard what I said and was listening.

    "Remember earlier, when you were in Tom's body, and, uh, after the shower incident?" Now Edd's attention was completely focused on me, the TV forgotten.

    "Uh... yeah..." Edd said, blushing slightly and avoiding eye contact.

    "Well... what was that all about?" I continued to ask, Edd stumbling over his own words for an answer.

    "Well, uh, since I was in Tom's body-" He began, but I cut him off mid-sentence.

    "I know it wasn't just because you were in Tom's body and his personality was affecting you, Edd." I said bluntly, watching as Edd withered in his spot in the sofa as if he wished to disappear on the spot.

    "Yeah, but, uhh..." Edd trailed off, unable to come up with an excuse for his earlier actions.

    "Was it because you like me? Or did it just kind of happen?" I prodded, continuing to interrogate Edd. And he continued to fumble for an answer, his face pink with blush.

    "Uhh, yeah, that first one." He finally said, and all noise stopped for  second.

    "Wait, which one?" I asked, ready to finally receive an answer.

    "Yes." Edd said confidently, yet still not looking me in the eye.

    "...Yes to what, Edd?" I asked, getting slightly irritated at this point, but he didn't respond. I huffed in annoyance.

    "Fine." I said, standing up, and finally drawing Edd's eyes. "It was stupid of me to bring it back up." I started, trudging my way to my room. "Just forget I said anything-" But I was stopped by Edd's hand on my wrist.

    "What-" I turned around to face him in exasperation, but was cut off by Edd's lips on mine.

    I widened my eyes in surprise and hardly had time to respond before Edd pulled back and looked at me with a hesitant look on his face, as if he had done something wrong. It was just a peck, but got the message across.

    "I - uh..." Now it was my turn to be at a loss for words.

    "You're right, (Y/n)." Edd started, darting his eyes around the living room. "I can't just blame what I did on being in Tom's body. I... I love you. Have for awhile now." At the last sentence Edd scratched the back of his neck with his hand, embarrassed. Not that he had much to be embarrassed over.

    "Don't be embarrassed, Edd." I chuckled slightly, trying to lighten the mood. It got a small smile out of Edd, but didn't seem to ease his nerves.

    "I love you too, Edd." I came out with it. Edd's face immediately brightened.

    "You- really?" He said, completely surprised.

    "Yeah!" I said, both of us now smiling brightly. "Of course, I would never lie to you." I said, now shyly smiling.

    "Well... would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Edd asked, looking down at me expectantly.

    "Of course!" I exclaimed, hugging him as he swung me around, laughing.

    Matt came out of the hallway, and once he saw the two of us, shouted, "SO KAWAII!"

    This attracted the attention of Tom, who yelled from his room, "MATT, DID THAT COMMIE TEACH YOU THAT NORWEGIAN CRAP?" To which I laughed and both Edd and Matt looked confused.

    But none of that mattered, because I had Edd. And as we cuddled on the couch under a blanket, Ringo curled up on my lap, watching Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 5 like the good old days, I couldn't be happier.

Cheesy ending, we know, but I hope you liked our story nonetheless! If you did, you should totally check out some of our other stories :3

Let us know if you liked it, hated it, or have any comments in general: we love feedback!

~ Isa and Cas

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