Ch. 2 Awkward...

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"Did you get the picture?" A voice whispered.

"Yeah, we should go before- crap!"

'Why are people always so loud in the morning?' I thought as I slowly started to wake up.

"Quick, let's get out: I think she's starting to wake up!" The second voice said.

I finally peeled open my eyes to take in my surroundings and see I'm in Edd's room with Edd/Tom hugging me from behind, holding onto me by my waist. I quickly spotted Tom/Matt holding a camera and Matt/Edd standing next to him with his hand over his mouth, apparently stifling laughter.


But I was quick to break it.

"If you don't get the hell out of this room right now, I will have both of your heads on my mantel!" I whisper-shouted at them. Nobody was laughing now. Their eyes widened, and they bolted out of the room. I honestly couldn't do much about the whole cuddling situation, since Edd/Tom was holding me by my waist... and considering it was Tom's body and not Edd's, he had a much stronger grip than normal, meaning that I had absolutely no chance of breaking free.

'Well shit. What am I going to do now?' I thought to myself. I didn't need to wait long, however, because Edd/Tom started moving in his sleep.

"Edd." I whispered, getting no response.

"Edd..." I said a little bit louder.


"EDD!" I finally raised my voice to a yell.

Edd/Tom loosened his grip slightly to jump up and yell, "I'M AWAKE!"

"Edd, could you please let go of me so I can go make breakfast?" I said softly, because I knew I had probably just scared him shitless.

"Oh," Edd said, just now realizing the awkward position we were in. "Sorry about that." he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's fine." I said, sitting up just a bit. "I was actually fine with it." I said that last part as a whisper, only so I could hear it: but Edd/Tom apparently heard me anyways.

He looked at me and smirked, flipping himself on top of me and planting both of his hands on either side of my head, effectively trapping me once more.

"Oh, did you now?" He said, in a seductive voice that seemed out of place coming from Tom's mouth. I started blushing like crazy. I mean, who wouldn't given the situation? And the slight crush on Edd that I had developed over the past few months wasn't helping. But it was weird because I wasn't looking at Edd: I was looking at Edd in Tom's body.

I didn't really know how to feel about this. While I was having this inner battle, I failed to notice that Edd/Tom's face was slowly getting closer to mine, that smirk still staring down at me. After a little while longer of yelling at myself inside my head for admittedly liking this, I notice Edd/Tom's pitch black eyes staring into my own.

"W-what are you doing?" I whispered, stuttering horribly. Edd/Tom opened his mouth to respond, but was rudely interrupted by Tom/Matt yelling at us from outside the bedroom door.

"Breakfast is ready!" He said cheerily. This seemed to get Edd/Tom's attention, because he immediately sat up, looking towards the door. I used this time to get up from being trapped under Edd/Tom, sprinting out of his bedroom into the kitchen were Tom/Matt and Matt/Edd were eating breakfast.

They took no time at all in pointing out how red my face was, courtesy of the previous events.

"Hey, are you ok (Y/n)? Your face is like, super red." Tom/Matt asked skeptically.

"Yeah, are you getting sick?" Matt/ Edd piped up, seeming slightly more concerned than Tom/Matt was.

"I'm fine, really. It's just, uhhhhh..."

'Shit what was I supposed to tell them? "Nah I'm fine: I'm just blushing like a madman because Edd pinned me to the bed and almost kissed me?!"'

"It's because... these PJ's are super hot!" I said confidently as I stood there in a crop top and shorts.

Maybe they could tell I was lying.

"Oh, ok." Matt/Edd said and continued to eat his food.

Or maybe not.

It was just like Matt to not think twice but Tom/Matt, on the other hand, looked extremely skeptical of my alibi. To my relief, he just shrugged it off, not pushing the subject. I quickly ate my breakfast, then ran off to my room to get away from the third awkward moment of the day.

And it wasn't even noon yet.

Shorter than the last chapter, but 776 words- not that bad! We'd love to hear your suggestions and/or guesses about where the story will go next, so don't be shy to send 'em in :D

Hope you enjoyed, next chapter in two days :)

~ Isa and Cas

Edd x Reader: ComplicationsWhere stories live. Discover now