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the first thing i felt
was a cold hand on mine.

a cold hand that sent chills through my entire body.

the next thing i felt was a burning pain in my head.

it wasn't like any pain i'd experienced before.

and then i lost all source of feeling, falling back into my unconscious state of mind.


bart bordelon;

"haul him over here!" i yell, a grin plastered on my sinister face.

what a funny world!

with everyone so oblivious, you could do nearly anything.

this plan was working perfectly.
johnny had done well.
perhaps, i could allow him another day.
to live.

oblivious, oblivious human beings..

they won't even know what hit them.

"kill him tonight." my boss spoke, filling me with fear.

will do.

i was doing cameron a favor,
because if my boss got his hands on him, it wouldn't end well.

"bart, shall we begin the process now?" johnny asks, placing cameron down into a chair, tying his hands with a rope behind his back.

i sensed something off about my brother this evening,
as if something was bothering him.

"yes. prepare him for display." i shout back, anxious to get the job done.

i would do absolutely anything for money.
they were paying me $300,000 for this and i had to make sure it was done well.

"all set, bart!"



i was officially ashamed to call him my brother.

luring this poor kid into a "magcon tour."
cameron got played.

bart even tricked the fans too.
ripped them off for the money, leaving everyone oblivious to the fact that magcon was all a set-up.

"if the fans find out, they'll try to tell cameron. don't let it happen." bart's words kept repeating in my mind.

he never told me why.
why he wanted to murder cameron.

"go kidnap this girl," bart orders, pointing to a pretty girl in a faded picture.

"okay..." i drag out.

"now! look for her, all over the area." bart shouts anxiously.

i nod quickly, fearing punishment if i didn't agree.

why did he have to request for my help?

"help me, or i'll kill you one day. and i won't regret it, one little bit. you deserve it, remember? killing mom and dad like that..." he spoke, making me shudder at the memory of me killing our innocent parents.

even though bart made me do it, so that we would have no one to stop us from participating in this manipulative organization.

i got into my van and began driving around.

bart told me to fly from my home in minnesota all the way to a "fangirl" in cali.

he was going way too far this time.
i can't believe he's actually kidnapping an innocent child.

i take a left turn around main street, and see some girl crying while stumbling into a bar.
she looks like the girl in the photo bart showed me.

i park my old van on the side of the street, and head on inside.

i walk in, seeing some people wasted beyond repair. so many bodies clumsily dancing around, making it difficult to navigate as i push them through the crowd.

there she stood.
gulping down shots by shots in the corner.
i would definitely want to hit that,
not to sound like a pedophile or anything.

she was getting herself into a lot of trouble.

i reconsider aborting the mission, but then i remember his icy cold words that threatened to take my life.

i must do this.
no matter how innocent she looks...

i look back over in her direction to see her passed out on the floor.

this is easy.

i grab her by the waist, pulling her up off of the floor and head towards my white van.
the stereotypical white van that's always so suspicious, yet everyone is too oblivious to think twice about it.

this wasn't the right thing to do.
but i was doing it anyways.

and deep down inside,
i sure as hell knew i would regret this.

the things i do for brotherhood.
or at least-the things i do so i don't get myself killed by my very own sibling.

author's note:

suspense is building up!
i wonder what will happen to cam & maeve?

find out in the next chapter...

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