The Bat of Earthland

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Batman stood atop the bell tower of Crocus, Fiore's capital.

The difference between when Batman entered Earthland, and when he left the time chamber that Doctor Fate created, wasn't seen much at first.. but when Batman entered just the right amount of lighting, the pronouncement of his muscles under his armor, was incredible.

His body had become far more toned, and he had grown about half a foot taller, forcing him to switch out to a longer cape to compensate for his weight when gliding. The 2 years that Doctor Fate had accelerated in 2 seconds.. 2 years of training in the strange magic body enhancing environment of Earthland, had turned Bruce strong..

Very strong..

"Sir?" said Alfred over Batman's coms. "You sure you're ready for this..?"

Batman picked up a piece of concrete, and crushed it into powder in one hand. "Time to put this new strength to the test. Don't worry.. I'll be fine.."

As Batman continued to look for his quarry.. for a brief moment.. a shadow.. shaped like Scarecrow drifted behind him..

"You let her get captured... you let her die.. whatever happens to her... is on you.."

Batman shook his head. Something wasn't right just now.. was that his own voice in his head?

Batman then saw it.. a human looking form, with a long bushy tail, making his way through the vast streets..

Jackal.. former member of Tartarus, well known Etherios, and leader of this reality's version of Skill Out..

"Hey!!" Jackal growled, as he stepped up to a market stand and smacked an apple down on the table. "Ya call these good prices!? I have half a mind to tear your head off!!"

"I have half a mind to do the same to you.." a voice growled as a tall pointy eared shadow towered over Jackal.

Jackal turned around. "Wha!? Who are- WHAMMMMM!!!"

Batman grabbed Jackal by the collar of his shirt and smashed him against the ground, rupturing the stone. "TALK!!! TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT FAIRY TAIL!!!"

"A-a.. ack.. guy.. dressed like a bat.." Jackal chuckled as blood trickled down his chin. "I've heard of you.. Fairy Tail's... out for blood... for your head..."

"I don't care!! THEY HAD A GIRL WITH THEM!!" Batman growled. "Perhaps dressed like me! 5'3, chestnut hair!! HEARD OF HER!!? And I swear, if you lie to me.. I will break EVERY bone in your body! Starting with that collarbone! Then I'll work down to your spine!!!"

"YOU'RE FREE TO TRY!!!" Jackal roared, thrusting out a hand..

Immediately, a massive explosion erupted in the street, and citizens ran screaming as Jackal cackled, jumping onto the roof of a building. "HOW DO YOU LIKE MY CURSE YA JACKASS!!? I'll blow ya to smithereens!!!"

Suddenly, a bat shaped shadow appeared flying down from above.

"it's sluggish.." said Batman as he landed a punch right at Jackal's jaw.

Jackal spat out blood as he crashed through the ceiling of the house.

"DAMN YOU!!!" Jackal roared, whirling his hands around. "TAKE THIS!!!!"


Explosions razed across the city as Jackal jumped into the air, letting his attacks blast further and further around him, as he cackled. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! LET'S SEE YOU BURN THROUGH THIS BAT GUY!!!!!"

Batman V Fairy TailWhere stories live. Discover now