I saw nothing

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Castle Black

The night was darker that usual had thought Jon as he walked outside his bed chamber, following Olly to the yard. It had been just two days since he had returned from Hardhome with the wildlings. He was the first Lord Commander of the Night's Watch to ever make an alliance with the wildlings and he could say that the army of the wildlings were loyal to him. He had saved so many from the White Walkers but he still couldn't forgive himself for not saving all of them. Of course there weren't many things he could have done. He had fought against the army of the dead and nothing could kill them. Only fire and valyrian steel and they had none of those things. He was the only one with a valyrian steel sword and there was no longer valyrian steel.

After his return with the wildlings to Castle Black he had sent Sam away to become a Maester. He would be safer in Oldtown anyway with Gilli and baby Sam. He had very few friends in the night's watch now but he had made a choice he had thought to be the best.

Now Olly had entered his office and had told him that one of the wildlings knew where his uncle Benjen was and that he was alive. So Jon, without thinking much or hesitating, he run out of his office and followed Olly.

It took him a few seconds to realize he had fallen into a trap. The word TRAITOR was written above him as the first sword from Ser Alliser Thorn entered his chest.

"For the Watch!" he said as he was slowly murdering him.

A second man and then a third, a forth and a fifth struck him with their swords and Jon saw the hate or the guilt in their eyes. He felt the pain on his bleeding chest and he breathed with difficulty. But there was no greater pain than the pain of the betrayal from his brothers. The brothers he had fought to protect. He had taken a vow to stay loyal to them. He had pledged his life to the watch. He had lost Ygritte for them. And now he was paying the price for his actions.

On the firts stab Jon thought of his late father. Ned Stark always loved him, always cared for him and treated him equally with his true born children.

"Next time we see each other I'll tell you about your mother. I promise!"

Jon guessed that now they would probably meet again in death.

On the second stab he though of his brother Robb. How brave he was... How loyal, noble and honorable he was...

"Even if you go to the wall you won't get rid of me that easily Snow."

"I'm sure I won't Stark!"

The third stab brought another face from his memories. The innocent face of his little half-brother Bran while he was sleeping after the fall from the tower. He looked peaceful and calm but Jon knew his brother would never be peaceful and calm again. He would never be the same again.

"When you'll wake up you shall come to visit me at the wall and we'll go on the top together!" He thought he would never complete that dream.

The forth stab came along with the face of Arya, his little wild sister. He always loved her the most because she was a true warrior and would do anything to follow her dreams. He remebered her smiling face the moment he had given her Niddle, her thin sword.

"First lesson, stick them with the pointy edge !"

The fifth stab was followed by the face of Maester Aemon. The wise old Targaryen had taught so many lessons to Jon and he would always be grateful of that.

"Kill the boy Jon Snow and let the man be born!" Now, both the boy and the man inside him were dying.

The worst part of his murder by his brothers was the moment he saw Olly holding a sword and coming closer to him. The boy, younger than Bran, put a sword a few inches away from Jon's heart.

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