My Son

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Ned Stark and Catelyn Tully, his wife, were standing in the door step of Lyanna's bedroom and were starring at her with sad expressions on their faces. She was sitting at the edge of the bed with her hands on her face and she was crying her eyes out in a state of silent sobs. Her once curly black hair that were falling like waves on her back, were now messy and in a low bun. Her dark grey dress was dirty and looked old and a mess too, just like the rest of her. Her slim figure that was always well composed and elegant, now was thiner than a stake and her skin was paler than a dead woman's. Her eyes, that were hidding behind her trembling hands as she was crying, were red and puffy with dark circles under them. Her red lips were a thin brown line. She wasn't Lyanna. She was a shell of her self. A body without a soul or a heart for that matter.

She was crying uncontrollably but her sobs were silent. She no more had power to scream like she used to for the past two weeks. The room though wasn't silent. There were loud cries coming from the middle of the bed, where a small buddle waw laying. The new born was wrapped in his furs and was crying loudly. His cries were so loud that they made Catelyn's ears bleed. Her own son, little Robb, that was less than a year older than the crying baby, had never cried that loud. He had never screamed like that. The red haired woman pitied the baby and his mother but she also feared for them.

Lyanna was her friend and she was no longer her self. Her baby on the other hand was a fragile little thing that had been orphaned before he was even born and had not felt affection not even from his mother. Catelyn looked at her husband with pleading eyes as if she expected his consent to let her go to the baby. She didn't need his permission though. His teary eyes told her all she needed to hear.

With steady steps she went to the bed and took hold of little Jon, trying to calm him down.

"Hsh my child. Don't cry!" She wishpeared but the child wouldn't stop. He needed his mother. He needed Lyanna and she refused to have him.

"Make it shut up!"screamed Lyanna, her voice hoarse and trembling. "Make the bastard shut up!" she screamed again and shook her head in dispear. But baby Jon just cried louder. Catelyn did her best to calm him down. She knew of children but Jon was a special case. He was no wolf, no dragon, no fish, no lion. Jon was both a wolf and a dragon and that made him even more stubborn and a bit mad.

"Take that thing out of her. I don't want it near me!" Lya yelled at the other woman and Cat decided that it woulf indeed be best if she left the room and took Jon away from his mother just for a while. In hers and Ned's chambers little Robb was playing and he always looked happy when his petite cousin was nearby. The infant fascinated the toddler and vice versa.

As she was leaving the room she had a chance to hear her husband saying "Lyanna why are you doing this?"

Cat knew the answer was tricky. She knew Lyanna was suffering but she had first thought that her child would be a comfort to her. Well, she was wrong. Lyanna hated the baby and refused not only to feed him by her breasts but also to hold him. It was maddness and Cat would lie if she said she understood her.

She remembered the war that had started a long time ago at the end of the winter. It had all started the moment Rhaegar Targaryen had abducted Lyanna Stark after crowning her His Queen of Love and Beauty during a tournament in Harrenhall. He had ignored his wife, the exotic Dornish beauty named Princess Elia Martell. Elia Martell was beautiful, sweet, caring and charismatic. Prince Rhaegar though had never loved her. Their marriage was a political arrangement and nothing more. Of course he had come to care for Elia and she cared for him but what they had was never love. They respected its other and had formed a friendship but it wasn't love. Almost two years ago he had met Lyanna during the tournament and they had fallen in love almost at first sight. Rhaegar was a lonely and distant man of twenty years old. Kind, caring, smart and sensitive but it was like he lived in his own world of loneliness. Lyanna during that time was an extremelly sad and rebelious lady of seventeen. She was betrothed against her will to a man she despised and she wanted to get away from her life. Sweet and lonely Rhaegar seemed to understand her at that time and she had fallen for his personallity first if not for his handsomeness.

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