Song of Night

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Her screems were echoing to the entire tower. Her voice strong yet and cries of pain. Horrible pain that rose with each contraction. She was in so much agony. Her hands had  been wrapped the shits of the bed she was laid and her head had turned in the direction of the window of her bedroom. The blue sky, turning orange in a few minutes, had captured her grey eyes and she did her best to forget the pain she was in.

She thought of her home, Winterfell. Her old room in the cold castle, with the dark colours of the north. From her old window she could see the cloudy, angry almost, sky. She could see the birds flying away. She could see the sun setting and giving it's place to the silver moon. She remembered the only beautiful flower she had in Winterfell. Blue and white roses, resting beside the wild flowers and the snow. She always wondered how they could survive the winter. The view she was watching from her current possition wasn't the wild land of the North. The land she so loved and missed.

Right now, at the bedstand beside her there was a vase with both fresh and old roses. Blue,white, yellow, pink and red roses, that filled her room with their mesmerising smell. She could smell the roses, the winter outside her window and the blood in her body. The tears in her eyes made her porcelain pale face looking as if she had splashed water on it. Her raven curls were sweaty and messy. And she wanted him to come and hold her. Tell her that it would be alright and that she would be okay. He wasn't there though. He would never be there again. He would never touch her again or hold her in his arms because she knew he was dead. No one had to tell her but she was sure her love was dead. As she was giving birth to their child she knew she would follow him in death too soon.

Wylla, her loyal servant was telling her to calm down and take deep breaths. The woman had knowledge over delivering a child so she did as Wylla told her.

"My lady push! One more time. Take a deep breath and push."

With every push Lyanna could feel the life drowning from her. She was losing blood and she knew it. She just wished she could stay alive long enough to hug her baby. A boy or a girl she didn't care at all. She wanted her child. Their child! The product of their love that had cost the life of thousands. Even their lifes.

"Push my lady! I can almost see the head!" Said Wylla and Lyanna pushed again, harder this time. With every push, an agonising scream would follow.

"Oh gods please stop it!"she yelled to no one in particular. Her cries worse than before. Her voice even hoarser. She tried to think of her baby. Would he take his looks from his or her father or herself? She was sure it would be the most beautiful and strong baby. As she pushed one more time she felt a peaceful release on her body and the room was filled with the cries of the newborn.

"It's a boy my lady!" said the maiden and in between Lyanna's dark circles, sweat and tears, a small smile appeared and with the last bit of strength that had remained to her, she extended her arms and took hold of her son for the first and the last time.

He was handsome. The most handsome baby in the world. A true prince! His soft tufs of black hair betrayed his Stark inheritage and when he opened his eyes for the very first time, Lyanna saw her eyes starring back at her. A deep and powerful dark grey. But the boy was a dragon too. She was the only one to see it, having been the only person that had searched into Rhaegar's eyes, so she knew it. The infant's eyes were grey to the rest of the world but if someone starred carefully, violet irises would appear. The rest of his face was a beautiful mixture of her kind features with Rhaegar's stronger ones. If only he was here.... He would have been so proud of his son.

It was at that moment of peacefulness between mother and son that the door of the room burst open and Ned Stark came into view. Wylla looked between him and Lyanna with ultimate fear for her lady and the baby. But Ned Stark was a man of honor. He loved his sister and he was determined to protect her.

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