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"Kate get your ass down here we have to leave or we are going to miss E V E R Y T H I N G!!" My sister shyanne yells

"Ugggh hold on a sec I'm almost ready"

"2 hours later"she replies sarcastically

"Whatever be happy your not having to go alone, so you don't look like a complete loser?" I reply in annoyance while walking down the stairs.

Today she is dragging me along to a meet and greet with a big time boy band that I can't every recall the name of, 'why the hell am I going again?' I question myself before stepping outside. Once in the car i turn the radio on only to have her boy band CD playing.

"Im like,OW, I never thought it hurt so bad, getting over yo-u and OW your giving me a heart attack looking like you d-o" she begins to yell the lyrics. And I mean yell, not attempt singing, just lots of yelling.

When I reach to change it she swats my hand away. I groan and sit back in my chair. 'This is going to be a long car ride' I think to myself as we pull off.

******at the event******

"OMG,"my sister squeals as we stand in this long line full of annoying girls like my sister "what if I meet them and one of them fall madly in love with me?!? or better yet what if all of them do and they end up fighting to the death over me" she's crazy!

"Your crazy! they probably won't even ask your name" I spoke truthfully "they are just a stuck up group of people who think that they are better than anyone because they can sing" I state earning a couple glares from other fans including my sister. Well this is awkward.

"I'm going to go find a bathroom" I state before walking away.

This mall is freaking huge. I will never find the damn bathroom and I have to pee!! I found myself away from everyone else and I have no freaking clue how to get back. JUST GREAT!

"Are you lost" and very cute blonde headed boy asked with a bright smile I usually didn't like braces on a guy but he sure pulled it off.

"Uggh, kinda I was trying to find the bathroom and I ended up getting lost." I half smiled

"That's okay I get lost all the time, Liam usually finds me though" he laughed. okay cute guy with a adorable laugh, KEEP CALM!

"Who's, Liam" I asked? "Your brother?"

"What? no, well he's like one. you don't know who I am do you?"

"No, I can't say I do. Should I?"

"Huhh, I guess not. this explains why you didn't freak out when I started talking to you" he spoke with a smile

"So may I ask who you are then?"

"Oh ya I'm Niall Horan, and I'm part of One Direction. And your name is?"

"One Direction, isn't that who this meet and great is for" I asked recognizing the name "and I'm Katelyn, but my friends call me Kate"

"Oh, can I call you Kate?" he questioned

Smiling I replied "Sure if you want"

"Aye look at me, I made a new friend today" he cheered. I extended my hand but I got a hug instead.

Flinching at the sudden embrace I gently hugged him back

"I guess I made one to then"

"Sure have love"

"Would you like to come and meet the rest if the boys?

"Ummm sure but can I bring my sister?"

"Is she gonna freak out?"

"Maybe a little" I held my hand up representing a small amount with my fingers

"Sure, why not. just promise me she won't try to kidnap any of us?" He said slightly laughing

"She won't, and you've almost been kidnapped before by fans?" I asked slightly shocked

"They are some crazy mofos, but we love'em"

"Alrighty, I'll go get her and meet you back here?"

"Ya I will have our body guard wait for you, I've risked enough being unprotected this long" he states smiling but still being serious

"Okay see ya in a few" I turned around and remembered I have no clue how to get back to her "could you point me in the right direction" I smile feeling dumb for getting lost in a mall.

"Ya just keep walking strait, you'll find it" he said pointing to a big hallway


"No prob, see ya in a

minute" he waved and walked away

-Stay Short✌️

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