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"Here you go" I smiled handing Niall his piece of pizza

"Thanks babe" he returned the warm smile as I cuddled up next to him, planting a kiss on his lips. I love when he calls me that.

"I love you so much, babe you have no idea" I turned and gave him another kiss

"And I love you" I whispered then fell asleep cuddled into him


I woke up with a smile on my face expecting to look over and see him next to me. only to be disappointed again by the empty space that always occupies my bed. It's been 2 days now since we meet the boys and both nights I have had these kinda dreams, where Niall and I are in this happy dapy relationship.

I reached over and grabbed my iPod turning on my music and scrolling to 1D Rock Me. Ever since the visit I decided to give their music a chance and I actually really like it.

"I want you to Rock me, rock me, rock me, YA! I sang along with the lyrics. Then I heard a noise from down stairs

I looked at the time to see it was only 9:00 and Shy doesn't usually get up until around 11:00 and dads already at work. And I was really hoping it wasn't Shy considering she's had the same pissy attitude since the day we left the building.

I slowly walked down the stairs and checked the front door. It was locked but when I looked down I saw the mail, letting me know that the noise was only the mail slot closing. I went and picked up the mail, looking through it as I walked to the kitchen.

There was a letter in the pile. Who the hell sends letters any more, besides my grandma on holidays.

It had my name printed on the front. So I opened it up and it was all hand written.

Hey, Kate

Well I guess you weren't interested in me. That or you sister never gave you my number, which I really hope neither of them are the case. But that's okay. Anyway, the lads told me about how your sister was just rambling on about how she was a huge fan and how she wished she could go to the concert coming up so here are 2 tickets. I couldn't get any front row because they were completely gone, meaning sold out. So they ended up being the 4th, hope that's okay. Well hope to see you guys there.

P.s I didn't have your # so I had to send a letter, and I got your address by looking for Lopezes in River Rouge and there wasn't a lot so it wasn't hard to find you and damn do I sound like a stalker. Sorry


I slammed the note onto the countertop. I fucking dare she keep that from me. She knew what I was going with these dreams.

I stomped" up the stairs.

"That conceded bitch " I mumbled to myself

I slammed to door open, making it bounce loudly of the wall causing Shy to sit strait up and let a panicked look take over her face.

"What the hell are you doing?!?" she yelled once she saw me

"Don't what the hell me, tell me why you didn't give me Niall's number?!? I yelled back

"What are you talking about, what number" her face gave her lies away, plain as day.

"Don't play stupid he wrote a letter and told my he gave it to you for me! So where is it!!!"

"OMG FINE!" she screamed getting out of her bed and stomping over to her dresser

"Here, take the damn thing! And who writes a letter anymore?!"

"Why did you keep it from me" I asked ignoring her question

No reply, she just stared at the floor.

"You're jealous aren't you?" I asked


"Wow I never thought I would get to see you this jealous over something towards me" I laughed looking down at the piece of paper.

"Uggghh get out!" she yelled

"Whatever" and with that I walked out and down the stairs in search of my phone.

Once I got it I punched in Nialls number and sent him a text.

Hey Niall it's Kate, I wanted to apologize for never contacting you, my sister kept the #from me. So ya sorry again and txt me back if you want:) Xx

I set my phone down and made a bowl of cereal and made my way to the couch. when I flipped on the tv to MTV to catchup on what's going on with the celebs, my eyes nearly bulged out of my head at what I was seeing...

It was my sister and I leaving the boys dressing room.....


-Stay Short✌️

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