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Kate's pov:

"No fucking way" I was stunned. I never thought I would be on tv for anything let alone walking out of the biggest boy band's dressing room.

And the stuff they were coming up with was ridicules!

My phone went off slightly startling me.

'Hey Kate I'm glad you decided to get in touch with me:)Xx'

'Ya me too and apparently your lips are just as happy.Xx' I replied slightly laughing

'What the hell are you talking about?Xx'

'According to MTV, me and my sister did more than just hung out with you and the boys, if you know what I mean?'Xx after I sent it I got up and put my bowl in the sink, then headed up into my sisters room.

"What the hell do you want" she yelled

I ignored her question and graves her remote turning it to MTV.

"Look at this" I said pointing to the tv which was still going on with the same topic.

"What the absolute hell, this is all lies!" she exclaimed

"And this is why I don't watch this kinda crap"

"Ya, I do it for the entertainment" I laughed

"This is entertaining to you?!?" she questioned

"Yes, yes it is"


"Because we know it's bs, and I could care less what other people have to say, that's why" I looked down at my phone, no text back from Niall.

"Do the boys know?"

"I told Niall but he hasn't texted back yet."

There was a slight awkward silence, which was unusual between the 2 of us

"Listen, I'm sorry for keeping the member from you. I guess I was a little jealous and.."

"A little?! I laughed cutting her off. She glared at me and I stopped laughing.

"Right,just a little. Carry on"

"And anyway I'm sorry.... so are we good?"

"Ya we're good, you know I'm not one to hold a grudge" I smiled and she tried to hug me. Enfaces on tried. "and you know I'm not a hugger"

"Uggghh, whatever"she rolled her eyes "did Niall txt back yet, WOW I could get used to saying that" she laughed

I chuckled looking down at my phone to see I had a message

'So, the boys and I just saw the show and I guess management did too because they just called all of us'Xx -Niall

'Oh, great. and who was the lucky one to pick up to phone?'Xx

'Sadly it was me lol'Xx

'Lol really Niall? and that sucks a big one, so I take it they are mad?'Xx

'You bet'Xx

"So what's going on?" my sister asked

My phone went off again.

"One sec"

I said holding up my finger

'And they want to have a meeting with us and the 2 of you'Xx

'WHAT?!?, WHY?'Xx

'To talk business I guess?'Xx

'What kinda business could we possibly talk about?? Nothing happened in the room besides a couple of civilized conversations!'Xx

'I know, we will just have to go and see. I'll text you details of where to show up at and the time.'Xx

'Do we have a choice?'Xx

'I don't really think so'Xx

'Dammit, fine txt me the details and I'll see ya then'Xx


"We are going to a meeting, with management.." I laughed uncomfortably


-Stay Short✌️

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