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Niall's pov:

"So what do you say" shy asked Kate

"Fine, I will do it. But only because it does make sense and I do feel a little guilty" ARE YOU SERIOUS, SHE SAID YESS!!! Well she said 'fine' but she still agreed to it.

"Alright sign here" Grace, the head women of our management slide the contract over to her.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this" Kate mumbled with a small smile as she set the pen down.

"Okay so your first date is to night. Niall you can decide where but no fancy dinners something casual and it has to be something public." Grace spoke

"How long do I have to decide?" I questioned

"Until 7:00, so you can have enough time to get ready and go where you need to go."

I have no clue where to take this girl out. I mean I know it's not a real date but I want it to still be enjoyable.

"Okay, well imma go home, Niall you can just text or call me on what you decide to do" Kate smiled

"Oh, alright ya. See ya later, 'girlfriend'." she playfully rolled her eyes.

Kate's pov:

"Don't you have to work tonight?" Shy asked as the engine came to life and we pulled out of the parking lot

"Ya but I'll just have to take a personal day, this is important."

"But you've never missed work"

"And therefore they should have no problem letting me miss one night" I shrugged

"Okay, well I have to work tonight so I won't be home" I nodded in response


It's 6:30 an I have no clue what to wear because I have no clue what we are doing.
I have now picked out an outfit for anything he picks. Since it's summer all of my possible outfits include light cloth so I don't sweat. I sweat to easily and that is the last thing I need.

.beep. my phone went off with a text from Niall

'I have absolutely no clue what we should do, help me!'Xx

'But you are supposed to choose'Xx
I teased

'Oh come on please' Xx
He was begging. I never thought I would be able to say I had a big superstar beg for help. Especially about where we should go for a date.

'Fine, what about we just go to a movie?'Xx

'Ya seems public enough:) Pick you up at 7:30?'Xx

'Sounds good, see you then'

At least now I knew that I was gonna know what I was doing on this date, and have a less chance of saying anything stupid. That's when my nerves set in. What if I do something extremely stupid and make a complete fool out of myself?!? I need to look amazing as well because there is going to be press! Oh my god I only have an hour to get ready!

"Hey darling you getting ready?" my father Tim questioned

"Oh dad, I'm going out with Niall freaking Horan. A member of the biggest boyband, I don't think I can ever be ready enough." I declared as I flung myself onto my bed.

"Well not with that attitude" he laughed and I groaned in response

"Now I know I don't have to give this boy the talk do I?" He questioned

I sat up quickly "no that will not at all be needed"

"You sure?" I nodded "alright but if he hurts you in anyway, you know where to find me." I smiled up at him "now I'll let you get ready"

Once he left the room I got up and called into my work. then walked over to my closet.

This is just a casual movie date, nothing fancy. so I pulled out a nicer blue T-shirt and a whit zip-up jacket to match. I then walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of blue jeans. This is my everyday style anyway so I know I will be comfortable. Now it's shower time.

The warm water made it almost impossible to get out but I forced myself to, and now my hair. I swear if i didn't love my hair so much I would shave it off, it's the reason why I take so long to get ready.

Once dressed I stood in front of the mirror with my hair dryer and straightener plugged into the wall and brush in hand. I quickly dried it but the hard part was the straitening because my hair is really wavy. I split the crown of my hair into a ponytail and clamped onto the top in my head and after 10minutes I was done with that and I let down the rest that was tied up and straitened that. After I brushed my teeth it was already 7:15. I hate make-up so I didn't have to worry about that. I just crimp my eyelashes and exit the bathroom to put on socks and my Nike tense shoes.

"Kate, your dates here" my dad yelled

"Coming" I did one last check in my full body mirror and walked, more like ran down the stairs.

"Hi" I waved to Niall once I reached the door

"Hello Kate, you look beautiful" he smiled causing me to blush. I gave my dad a quick kiss on the cheek and walked out the door.

"Watch yourself, I'm not afraid to go to jail for that girl" my dad warned quietly to Niall before closing the door.

He walked over to my side of the sleek black car and opened the door.

"Wow, such a gentlemen" I applauded

"I try" he has a really nice smile

"So what movie?"I asked once he was in his seat

"I was thinking a scary one?"

"I don't think so"

"Why, are you scared??" He laughed

"I get scared easily okay, I can't help it" I blushed

"Well we are going to watch a scary one and I will protect you"


"I promise"

And with the we pulled off. So far so good

"And plus, I don't think anything is a a scary as your dad" he laughed

"Oh him, naw he's a big softy at heart don't worry" I smiled


I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I had family come in from Texas Christmas morning and they just left yesterday. Hope you enjoy and tell me what you think, please and thank you. And I know it's shorter, I'm hoping to update soon.

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