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Chapter 2: Ranelle

"Aves! Come over here, I need help routing." I yell. We have three hours until we need to leave for the prank and I can't figure out an escape route.

"How about Haymond?" Ava yells back from the snack bar.

"Nah. I'm using that to get there." I say. We always have two routes. It's the way the Screw Crew has always worked.

"Wait!" Ava exclaims as she plops down on the couch next to me, an armful of snacks with her. "Isn't Johnny Davis having a back- to- school party tonight?"

"Yeah, but I heard it's totally gonna suck ass."I say stealing one of Ava's snacks. She glares at me. I dare that bitch to hit me.

She huffs and turns back to her snacks. "Who cares? We can take Anderson, crash the party, and if it's a total disaster, come back here and do who the hell knows what."

"Maybe we can hit a club." I say hopefully.

"Ronny, I know you have not the slightest ounce of responsibility in you, but we have school tomorrow, and we can not show up hungover and/or high. I'm not trying to get suspended the first day." Caspian says entering the room with two boxes.

"Come on Cas." Ava says. It's nice of her to attempt to convince him, but I know it's not going to work.

"No. We have things to do this year. Starting it off on the wrong foot is not on my bucket list."Cas says as he sits down with the boxes.

"Things like what and what are those?" I ask.

"You'll see when you need to and the supplies for tonight." He replies.

"You're a party pooper Cas." Ava pouts.

"Show me the supplies." I say jumping up from myseat so I can get a closer look....and so I can be closer to Caspian.

"I need a knife." He says. I put one finger up in a "hold up" kind of way and start putting my hand down my shirt.

"Ronny, what the fuck are you doing?" Cas asks, looking at me like I'm stupid.

"You'll see." I say adding a wink. He's still looking at me weird. After a few seconds I find what I'm looking for.

"Here," I say, handing him a swiss army knife.

"You keep a fucking knife in your bra?" Cas asks staring intently at the knife in my hand.

"Who doesn't?" Ava interjects from the other couch.

"What she said," I say offhandedly. "Now are you going to take the knife or not?" I ask slightly waving the knife. He shakes his head but nevertheless takes the knife.

"What am I gonna do with you crazy motherfuckers?" He asks with incredulity seeping into his voice.

"Whatever just open the box Cas." I say, shifting closer to him. Cas just rolls his eyes and cuts open the box.

"You now you've indirectly touched Ronny's boob right?" Ava says out of the blue. My face heats up in a blush and when I look over Cas' face is tinted red.

"That's not such a bad thing." He mumbles while he cuts open the box.

"What was that?" I ask in an attempt to get him to repeat it. He stays silent and finishes cutting open the box. While he's still bent over opening the box Ava sends me a sly glance. I shoot back a glare. Sometimes I really hate that I told her about my crush on Cas. Why couldn't I have told Brielle or Nova?

"Ronny!" Cas says quite loudly.

"Huh?" I say, blinking a few times and escaping my thoughts.

"The supplies." He says pointing at the now opened box.

"Oh yeah." I say. I look down and sure enough it's a bunch of supplies. As we take the things out I can see a lock picking kit, some spray paint, gloves, new hoodies, and of course the ever famous custom baseball bat.

The bat's kind of an inside joke. When I was a freshman (which means the youngest of us was a sixth grader), we went on our first prank. That's when the Screw Crew officially formed. But anyway, I remember that I had been adamant on bringing a baseball bat. For some reason I thought we would be bashing things. The bat was a regular old baseball at. It was made out of wood, it was brown, and it had an annoyingly hot pink Polly Pocket emblem on it-- I have absolutely no idea why. Turns out we didn't break things and I ended up leaving my baseball bat in the house. Now as a tradition, every first prank of the school year, we leave a similar baseball bat in the house. Of course, the bat has no traces of us whatsoever on it.

"What's new this year Cas?" Ava asks as she walks over to see the supplies.

"Well, we've got new paints, new lock picking things, and -- you'll love this one-- slime." Cas says, a smile overtaking his features.

"Slime?" I ask, slightly curious.

"Yes," Cas says, a wicked grin forming on his lips, "lots of slime."

"What about slime?" Beckett asks as he comes into the room a coke in hand.

"It's for our prank." Ava says.

"Cool!" Beck says, plopping down on the couch. As I look at the rest of the supplies I can tell this is going to be our best prank yet.


Hey guys! Alright, so I admit that this chapter was very much a filler. The real stuff happens next chapter.

So we've formed an updating schedule: Every Thursday. If an update does not come on Thursday, it's coming Friday. If that happens we probably have something happening. If we fail to update please feel free to comment on the message board or on the last chapter updated or whatever. If you do, please be nice about it. Rude messages do nothing.

So, I'm going to leave little hints about what happens in the chapters following from now on because not only does it help me, but it gives you guys something to look forward to.

Thanks for reading this guys. We have problems with switching from past tense to present tense, so hopefully I can get that edited when I post the chapters, so if you see any of those mistakes, please ignore it.

Hint: The prank happens, and maybe a party. Someone from the Screw Crew's past also decides to come and destroy the night.

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