1; last night mishaps

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"I WOKE UP met with hangover that was sign of a night that got way too wild, a blistering headache, my head thumping with aches and blurry lights filled my vision. The morning sun rose and shine through the curtains. My forehead pulsed uncontrollably and my head spun around as if I just got off a tea cup ride. All I could remember from last night's events besides how drunk I was, that my friend, Stella, had invited a couple of her friends over for a couple of drinks. The only good thing that came out from that night was that I ended up on a bed. Blinking the sleep away from my dimmed green eyes, I sat up, groaning, I felt movement beside me.

"Please let it be a pet.." I whispered under my breath and turned my head to see a girl.


The mystery girl groaned beside me, beginning to wake up. Her face was partly covered by her fussed brown hair with light golden highlights. Her eyes then fluttered open, as the morning sunlight shined through the windows in the room.


The girl mumbled, hand-brushing her hair while tucking the strands behind her ears. She rubbed her eyes, sitting up when a heavy weight was felt between us two and her head turned to see me.


My face began to reddened as I was staring face to face with a girl, her dark hazel eyes looking into mine as I stared at her awkwardly.

By the angle she was laying, the right side of the bed near the window, having the waking sunrise shine behind her, giving her a somewhat of a angelic gleam as I looked upon her, something swooning inside me but I unable to show it on the outside.

"I-I'm sorry. I have to go." I stammered.
Pulling myself off of the bed, I stood up, looking around the room to find my boots and jacket. "You don't have to. I can make you some coffee.. or something." The girl suggested, a hint of a smile traced on her lips.

"I can't. I would love to. But I can't. I-um.." I blanked out. Think of something, you idiot!

"I have work!" I exclaimed and the girl frowned.

"Yeah. Sorry. I have work or my boss will be yanking my chain. But I would really love to see you again."

With that, I placed on my items and picked out my phone from my back pocket to see what time it is.

8:46 A.M.

"Okay. I'll see you around. I left my phone number there. So, call me when you can." The dark haired girl mentioned and flashed me a wink, along with a cheeky smile.

I felt my cheeks blushing and I turned away, leaving the place.

Once I headed outside, the cold autumn air refreshed me, waking me up. I fixed my dark purple beanie, to cover my bed head and looked around at the street signs to figure out where I was.

"Downtown? What the hell?"
I scoffed under my breath and rushed my way to catch a city bus.


30 minutes passed and I approached to my new apartment. As I unlocked my door, I overheard giggling coming from the other side of the door. I deeply hoped to not run into my friend's 'fun time' with her boyfriend again. I opened it and I was confronted with her boyfriend in front of me, Stella a few feet behind him, smiling.

"Hey Ade." Stella said, as I shuffled my way out of her boyfriend's way.

Her boyfriend was tall, taller than me to make me feel like a bug. He is dark haired, midnight black to puppy loving brown eyes in a matter of seconds. Or just the way he's facing in the lightening, and with his upcoming facial scruff that goes along with his deep voice could make any women have a Niagara Falls moment between her legs.

By the way he was standing and dressed, it looked like he was about to leave.

"Um.. What's your name again?"

I asked. Stella had tons of boyfriends before him, so of course, I had no clue what was his name.

"Aiden. Aiden Black." He answered, a smug smirk traced on his lips.

Stella smiled giddy, looking up her new boo, like it was huge chocolate bar with legs. I nodded, a fake smile on my face.

"Nice to meet you, Aid. Hope you and Stella be well together."
"Oh, me too. She's wonderful to have with."
Aiden turned to face her and leaned down to peck her lips.

As he did that, Stella grabbed his face tenderly and their lips crashed, her kissing him deeply and lovingly.

In my view it looked like she was sucking his whole face off. I gagged.

I cleared my throat and they broke away, Stella flustered and Aiden smiling at her.

"That's nice of you two. Tongue action.. and everything."
I mutter, glancing down awkwardly.

"Well, bye. See you later, baby." Aiden winked at Stella, she blew him a kiss, then left.

"Wow. I feel like you won't be needing me anymore."

"I will, silly!" Stella smacked my arm in a playful matter and smiled at her, flipping her shiny blonde hair behind her shoulders.

"He's great, isn't he?"
"He seems better than your last ones." "Yeah, I guess."
She shrugged and I went into my bedroom. Stella follows behind me, sitting me down.

"Soooo," She began, her blue eyes shining with curiosity.

"How was the party? The girl you met."
"No clue. Blacked out and didn't even know her name."



I exclaimed, taking off my beanie as I fingered brushed my hair. "I guess it was fine. I just don't remember. I needed a lot of alcohol yesterday."

Stella groaned and plopped down on my bed.

"Ade, this was your change to see who you like. Not to drink the pain away."

"But I like thaaat." I whined.

She rolled her eyes and smacked my arm again, sitting up.

"I'm serious. I want you to settle down and enjoy being in a relationship."

I glanced over at her, frowning for a moment.
"Listen, I know. But let me do my thing."

"Whatever." Stella got up from her spot and left my room.

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