9 - too soon

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* A month later since escape *

Violets POV
I take a sip of my water bottle while panting. I've been training very hard lately with my new trainer Tristan.

It's been going pretty well, he is very helpful with the tips and motivating. I just finished practicing on my punching skills and am a little exhausted.

Every time before we start to practice we warm up by doing actual gym work, like sit-ups and going on the treadmill. 

Tristan approaches me while putting a towel on his neck "you done really good today violet, you really hurt my arm though I gotta say.." He chuckles.

I smile "oops.." I say as I run my fingers through my hair. "So is this all for today?" I ask playing around with my water bottle.

"Yeah we are done for today." He nods shrugging. "Alright cool, see you later then." I say collecting up gym bag.

Tristan stands in front of me and still hasn't yet left. "Do you need anything?" I ask nicely. He touches his hair and responds quick "uh yeah..actually." I raise an eyebrow waiting for him to speak.

"I was actually hoping If maybe you wanna see a movie later or something.." He says nervously. My heart skips a beat, did he just ask me out..........

I chuckle lightly, "I would really love to.. But I don't think I like you that way." I say in most polite form not trying to make him sad.

He nods "oh ya- it's okay.. I get it!" He says fast.. Oh no I'm not good in these situations. "You're a really nice dude, I think you deserve someone more better anyway." I say trying to let him know it's not him.

He shrugs "I don't know but it's okay." He walks off back to his own gym bag. I sigh heavily. "Fuck.." I mumble under my breath.

I later see Lindsey enter the room all sweaty "wow I just worked out so hard." She says basically breathless. I laugh "you okay?"

"ehh." She said unsure. "You ready to go now?" I say still laughing. She nods and grabs my water bottle and drinks it.

"That was mine but ok." I say with a grin. She places it down empty. "Okay let's go." I say while supporting my gym bag that I'm holding on my left shoulder.

After I freshened up at home Lindsey was getting ready for her date with that bartender that was from the club that day. They've been seeing each other a lot lately. I guess you can say they are boyfriend and girlfriend about now.

"How do I look?" Lindsey asks walking out of her room in a beautiful red dress. I smile automagically "you look stunning!!" I says looking at her up and down.

"Really? Do I look tired at least?" She says with a glow in her eye. I nod "I'm serious you look amazing!" I smile very happy for her.

"Thank you violet!" She gives me a hug. "Have fun and don't forget to be safe!!" I shout to her as she walks towards the front door.

"I will! I'll see you later!" She says waving me goodbye while closing the door behind her.

As my smile fades I take my phone off the charger and sit down on the couch. I huff as I notice I gotten a text by a random number.

"You can't just ignore me and act like nothing happened." I read off the screen.

Oh no, I think it's Scott. I roll my eyes and this time decide to text back him back this time. I had enough.

"Leave me alone, I don't want anything to do with you Scott." I send feeling annoyed. I stand up and roll my eyes.

Maybe I should do something tonight. I literally have no life, but sleeping does sound pretty good right now. I enter my room and head to my closet.

A idea suddenly sparks in my mind. Maybe I should go for a night drive like I used to in Ohio.. I never do that anymore.

I kinda am getting used to New York and the surroundings so I'm sure I won't get lost. I put on my leather jacket and simply grin as I leave out my door grabbing my keys.

I hear my phone get a notification and I walk towards it. It's that number again why doesn't Scott get the idea. "Ugh" I say to myself.

I open the message "oh but princess it's not Scott." I nearly drop my phone.

My breathing turns rapid. The word 'princess' only could make me think of one person, which is.. The joker.

I suddenly get a call from that number. I feel somewhat an urge to answer but yet still very hesitant about it.

I glare at the screen and then close my eyes answering, but instantly feeling like I shouldn't have. But I'm strong enough for this shit now. No fear intended.

I remain silent as I wait for someone to speak.

"I know you're there princess." I hear the joker speak through the phone with his raspy voice calmly. I squint my eyes.

"No shit I'm here, what do you want?" I say not giving any fucks. I hear him chuckle. "Now don't forget I told you not to speak to me like that." He says probably with a smile on his face.

"Why should I even care?" I hissed back. "Well how would it help for us to ever get along?" He tries to make a point.

I scoff "I don't want anything to do with you!" I said irritated. The joker pauses  not saying anything.

"Tsk tsk don't make this any harder than it needs to be, I don't wanna hurt you." He explains in a husky voice.

I really can't stand this. "How about not hurt me at all and leave me alone." I snap back at him. "I chose you, you have to remember this." I hear him say warningly.

I huff. "I'm not dealing with you anymore bye." I hang up my phone before he has a chance to say anything. My heart was beating a little fast. How did he get my number was all I could think right now.

I wanna call Lindsey about what just happened but I don't wanna ruin her date night... I grab my keys and leave out the door trying to leave my troubles behind.
A/N 🌸

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