17 - The Hounds

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Cameron's POV
"GUYS WE HAVE TO CHASE THE CAR!!" I basically yell at these idiot morons of two henchmen.

"We can't! They are too fast, and look at all of these cars that are leaving!" He points out. I huff and start to worry.

"what are we gonna do then?!" I raise my voice again. I am so mad at the fact that we could have saved her if it weren't for all of these people running around like chickens.

We walk back into the building and I feel a lump grown into my stomach. The other two henchmen look pretty scared. Mr.J is going to kill us.

I see Mr.J shooting in the air purposely scaring people more in the distance. He doesn't even have a clue violets gone. I have to tell him. I begin to run at him but yet soon to be called back by the henchmen "NO! that's not a good idea." One of them say.

I turn around looking at them as if they're insane. "What do you mean?! Violet was just taken, the sooner we look after her the more we can find her!" I state. The two henchmen walk up to me.

"Yeah but we have to wait until the mission is over, if you tell him now he might even shoot us because he will be mad that we didn't save her" he quickly says. I move my hair back.

"Fuck" I mumble. I don't know what to do. "We gotta get this mission over with." The other henchmen said.

Suddenly a couple of other henchmen approach us. "What are you guys standing around for??" He asks.

"Violet was taken!!" I say and the henchmen behind me nods fast. The guy I was talking to was named Joel as I remembered he was the first one who greeted me to the pack.

He looked at us in disbelief, "what do you mean taken?" He asked firmly. "Some blonde guy that-" I soon get cut off by the henchman named Cole.

"I think I actually know who!" He says blurting out. We all stare at him eagerly. "He had a sticker on the back of his car and it was of 'the hound' gang sign." He starts to explain.

We all furrow are eyebrows, "so?" I wondered. "So it was 'the hound' gang leader!" He tells all of us.

Joel scoffs, "why would the hounds come just to take Violet?" He asks. "I don't know!? But all I do know is that we and the hounds are enemies and will probably do anything just to break the joker." He makes a really good point.

Joel starts nod in realization. "I really hope you're sure about this Cole." He tells him. "I am!" He nods.

Joel and his other henchmen begin to talk as they walk away from us. I turn around to look at Cole nervous.

"BATMAN!" I suddenly hear a girl scream. I glance over to see its batman, that motherfucker. He runs over at the joker.

The joker shoots at him. Oh no because Violet is not here for the plan so it's gonna get this situation is gonna get  bumpy around here. We have to go protect him.

We all start to run towards batman and the joker. We start to shoot at batman. The joker punches batman only to get punched back. I run at batman and roughly kick him away from the joker.

The joker looks at me and shoots me a dirty look like he could have handled it himself. I don't know what he has against me, I didn't do anything wrong.

The other two henchmen pick up batman holding him down so the joker can have his moment of revenge. Ive never seen this side of the joker before. He looks so evil and angry.

Good in bad // the joker Jared Leto fanficWhere stories live. Discover now