UNIQ - Seungyeon ft. Sungjoo

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"Hey y/n I bet you that I can get that teddy bear!" Seungyeon said smiling brightly, pointing at the toy machine.

"There's no way! Those things are rigged!" I laughed and leaned against his shoulder.

"Oh come y/n give him a chance, it could be his lucky day!" Minjae teased, ruffling Seungyeon's hair.

Seungyeon, Minjae, and I loved to come the arcade during our spare time. We had been coming here since we were kids. It was more like a tradition now. However a lot had changed since then, my feelings for Seungyeon was one of them.

"I'll show you guys!" Seungyeon challenged and slid a few quarters in the old machine.

The mechanical claw sprang to life, moving slowly towards the small little bear. When it reached the stuffed animal the claw desended and to my surprise, picked it up.

Seungyeon retrieved the bear from the holding compartment and waved it in our faces. "See! I told you I could get it!" He beamed.

"Oh my gosh you really got it!" Minjae gushed, gazing at the bear.

"Here, you can have it." Seungyeon blushed, handing it to Minjae.

Over the past couple weeks, I had witnessed something starting to form between them. At first it was just subtle things like sharing food but it had progressed to hand holding among others things.

I broke a little inside everytime this happened. Over the last couple of years I had fallen in love with Seungyeon, however it was one sided. He clearly had feelings for Minjae and she him.

I sometimes found myself trailing behind the two, I was slowly becoming the third wheel.

"Thank you!" Minjae squealed, grabbing the bear and hugging it to her chest.

"Don't worry y/n I'll get you one next time!" He grinned, desperately trying to include me.

I knew there wouldn't be a next time.

"Don't worry about it." I said, forcing a smile.

"Now let's go get some food!" Seungyeon cheered, linking arms with Minjae and I.


"Don't worry I'll meet you guys there!" I assured Minjae.

"Are you sure? I'll come pick you up, the party doesn't start till 10:00." Minjae pressed.

"It's fine, I have some homework to do anyway." I lied, trying to end the conversation.

"Ok, well see you later!" She shouted.

I hung up the phone and let out a sigh. I had been avoiding them all week, but I needed to convince them everything was fine. I had to go to the party, even if it was just for a little while.

Around 11:00 I drove myself over and wandered around trying to find them. The house was filled with people, most of whom were drunk.

"Have you seen Seungyeon and Minjae?" I asked Sungjoo, who happened to be Seungyoun's close friend.

"I think I saw them in the sunroom. But it'd be more fun dancing with me than hanging out with them." Sungjoo said playfully, pulling my arm.

"I don't dance." I stated, pulling my arm from his grasp.

"Come on y/n it'll be fun! You always look so sad, give it a try!" He pleaded, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Maybe later."

"Ok fine but your not allowed to leave until you dance with me!"

"Agreed." I grinned, still desperate to find my friends.

I sifted through the crowd and across the room. When I reached the sunroom my smile dropped.

Seungyeon and Minjae were kissing. He had her pinned against the wall and Minjae's hands were tangled in his hair. They were so absorbed in attacking eachothers faces that they didn't hear me let out a sob. They didn't see the tears rolling down my cheeks. They didn't see me run out of the room.

I pushed past the people and ignored Sungjoo's shouts. I got into my car and leaned my head against the wheel and cried.

I knew it was going to happen at some point, I thought I could take it. Seungyeon would never be mine, I would never be the one to hold him, kiss him, wipe his tears. That job belong to Minjae.

For the first time in my life, I hated her. I hated her for stealing Seungyeon's heart. I hated her for kissing him. I hated her for trying to hide the fact that she liked him.

I was trapped in a hopeless love. Never have I felt so alone, so betrayed, so helpless.

I wiped my tears, took a deep breath and started my car. It was time to let go, to leave everything behind. If I stayed it would consume me.

*3 years later*

As I finished wiping the last table I heard the doorbell ring.

"We're closed!" I shouted, my back still towards the customer.



Hello hello! The first week of school is over and since I have some free time I figured I'd write. I'm sorry for writing such angsty things lately. I never seem to be in a 'fluffy' mood. I hope you're all having/had a good day!

So if you haven't guessed this was based off of Jimin's 'Hopeless Love' however I added my own twist. I hoped you liked it.

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