"I never dreamed that I'd love somebody like you"

11 1 7

Dan's pov

Phil had become eerily quiet and I began to worry...I wondered if he felt left out since I was talking so much to Cat. Oh no I hope that's not it we've had so many fights over this already why can't he understand that he's my best friend and not her..ugh I guess I'll just go to him and find out what all the fuss is about.

"Hey Phil are you alright?" I asked knowing that he was completely off.

"Yeah I'm fine." He simply answered to my utter expectance, Phil never told me when he was sad or angry he would just act as if the whole world was one big place for laughs and smiles.

I sighed and looked at Cat as we had arrived to the restaurant and I told her,"Hey Cat can you go inside and grab us some seats I'm going to talk to Phil for a minute." She nicely did as told and I looked at Phil and just as Cat left relief flooded his eyes and I couldn't help but wonder: Was Cat the problem? She is just a friend? What's going on?

"Phil what's wrong and don't say that nothing's wrong because you didn't say a word the whole walk here." I demanded

"I-it's just that I feel...no it's nothing Dan I swear it's fine." Phil said as he looked down refusing to meet my gaze.

I huffed in annoyance,"Phil just tell me what it is dammit you always do this when we go out with Cat and honestly I'm getting annoyed of all of this 'I'm fine crap'. I'm you're best friend Phil just tell me."

Phil looked up at me and I could see tears in his eyes and I couldn't help but feel bad, I had just yelled at my best friend at my sweet little cinnamon bun friend. I did the only thing that I knew could make him feel better: a hug.

Once I hugged him I felt him loosen up and he hugged me back as I soothingly said,"Phil I'm sorry for being so rude lets just go in and have a nice brunch ok I don't want to fight today. You know you're my best friend and the last thing I want is to see you cry."

Phil nodded in agreement and we went inside and ordered our food as i resumed my conversation with Cat who may I add looked particularly attractive today. Well honestly to me Cat always seemed attractive I have a small crush on her..ok a huge crush on her but I just can't find the courage to ask her out. I was kind of hoping Phil would help me organize a special date I've been planning.


Phil and I arrived back home about an hour ago and just as Cat left Phil became his sunshine self again and he was currently editing a video for his channel. I walked over to him and plopped down in my sofa crease.

"What you up to philly?" I asked curiously. Phil smiled and glanced at me as he said," I'm editing my video Danny boy. Because unlike you I upload videos to my channel."

I scoffed in fake disbelief," Well, well someone's being pretty sassy aren't they. I think they deserve to be....TICKLED." I screeched as I tackled Phil and tickled his sides playfully as we always do because you know that's what friends do...right?

My thoughts were interrupted by the shrieks and small giggles coming from Phil that made me grin because they were just so darn adorable. My best FRIEND Phil is just pure amazingness.

I stopped tickling Phil and I smirked as I cockily stated," That's a lesson for you Philly to never be sassy towards your master Daniel." Phil laughed and he looked at me and all of a sudden our gazes met and an unknown feeling enveloped me. I felt as if in a trance that couldn't be broken as I stared deep into his blue, green, yellow mesmerizing eyes that just captivated life as a whole. I didn't know what was going on I felt numb and I couldn't move I just knew that in this moment nothing could come between us and that's what scared me the most. I'm scared. I'm scared. There I said it. I Daniel James Howell am completely scared....because I'm utterly and completely homophobic.

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