(Eight) - The Rescue and The Confession

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Bryce's P.O.V

The sun beaming brightly is what wakes me up.

Damn it's bright.

I get up anyway. I need to find Ohm.

I grab my bag as well as Ohm's and walk ahead to the road.


It's silent.

It's too hot out here.

I have to find h-

My thoughts were cut off by the honking of a horn.

It was Luke's car... wait. What?!

I look through as the front seat window rolled down. "Luke?!" I exclaim.

"Hey Bryce. I was on my way back. When Vanoss called. Gave me your location. Now I'm here to give you a ride to your destination." he says with a proud smirk.

"I guess that makes sense. Here's where I'm supposed to go." I give him my phone as I get in the front seat.

"We'll get there quick. Normally, it'd take half an hour. But with this car's fadtest speed. We'll be there in 15 minutes." Luke says giving me the phone.

Almost there Ohm... almost there.


"We're here." Luke says.

I face him, "Thanks. This means a lot." I say, getting out of the car.

"Good luck, Bryce." Luke says with a nod and a smile.

He drives off and I face an old and slightly broken and abandoned building.

I take out my gun. I cock it, ready to fire at any moment. I slowly enter the warehouse.

"Ohm?! Where are you? I'm here to rescue you." I yell. I know it's a bad idea but it's my only choice.

"B-Brycey?!" I hear a voice yell and coughing afterwards.

I run towards his voice.

I promised I would find you... and I did...

I kick the door of a room. I see Ohm tied to a chair. Legs tied to the leg of the chair. The door suddenly slams shut behind me.

I turn around in shock to see two people blocking it. One has red hair and glasses and is a lot shorter than I was. But goddamn does he look buff. The other guy has a beard, short-ish hair. Taller than red hair but still shorter than me.

I don't put down the gun.

I keep it up, aimed at anything.

"Well if it isn't Ohmie's little angel coming here to save him." A man says, stepping out from behind Ohm.

How the hell did I not notice that...?

I trail my eyes back to Ohm, he was covered in bruises. Blood dripping from his nose and mouth. His eyes, filled with pain and fear. His clothes all slightly torn, but completely dirty.

Oh hell what would Vanoss say...

"Give Ohm to me. And no one gets hurt." I say sternly.

The man just laughs. "You hear that guys? No one gets hurt. Oh no. How terrifying. Adam's the name."

He laughter slowly dies.

Maybe he should die.

But Vanoss said not to kill the attackers.

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