16 Bewilderbeast

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"Mm... so you are telling me that I have a cousin in this world? Living peacefully, expecting a child with her former bandit husband?" Ice Queen asked from Evil Queen while she was walking around.

"Yes. They have been powerful, we didn't manage to steal their Queen because the amount of light and happiness has been too great in that kingdom," Evil Queen hummed.

Evil Queen watched how their newest recruit, the Ice Queen who could end the war in a snap of fingers, was pacing around. She was clearly wondering a plan.

"Kingdom of Corona? Sounds really annoying... Warmth, laughter, happiness – so pretendious," Ice Queen laughed blankly.

Fear had always made people to be around her. Anna was afraid so she was nice to her and when she finally met someone who dared to use her because he wasn't afraid – it just showed her how things really were. Jack Frost, the person who wasn't affected of her powers, the damned Guardian of Fun and the one who could control winter – he wasn't afraid of her. Even though her powers were deadly she always saw something majestic in them.

"And you're doubting the talents of Ursula and Doctor Facilier?" Ice Queen hummed and turned around.

Her sharp blue eyes glared at Evil Queen.

"Y-yes your majesty," Evil Queen gulped.

"Say...What do I do with you? If even two of them will fail like you say? Hah, this just reassures me that I don't need anyone," Ice Queen laughed a monotonic laughter that echoed in the frozen halls of Arendelle Castle.

"W-we could use your powers of ice and snow? They are not used to the cold...despair, they need despair!" Evil Queen cheered.

Brow raised above the ice blue eyes of the Ice Queen. She walked to the balcony, looking towards the ocean. It was separating her from the kingdom of Corona.

"You really think so?" A hint of amusement rose from her voice.

She visualized it, how the kingdom would be covered in snow. People would flee to their homes but the breeze would simply put out any fire that they try to lit up in their fireplace. Children would cry as they feel cold.

"Alright. Take care of things in here while I take a short trip," she replied without waiting for Evil Queens agreement.

Evil Queen flinched when Ice Queen stepped out from the balcony. She was walking on icy pillars that rose from the ground. She went through the streets that were covered in frost. The people of Arendelle were greeting her in their icy states, their figures were like statues heiling her triumph through her newly discovered kingdom.

"That perfect girl is gone

Here I stand

In the light of day

Let the storm rage on"

Ice Queen sang in the shore of Arendelle while a devious smile spread on her lips painted in black. It caused the see to freeze and a violent storm wind to blow. Dark clouds covered the sky and she laughed, even the sea couldn't fight against her powers.

When she took a step on the frozen ocean surface a pair of ice skates appeared to her feet. She used the wind to carry her forward in dazzling speed, she kept dodging the frozen waves that were sticking out from the sea.

"Here I come Corona, time to show you how cooling things really put downs the mood," she laughed aloud while looking to the horizon.

Just one hour and the wind would help her to get into the kingdom ruled by her cousins overly and disgustingly happy family.

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