Chapter 8

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I was woken-very rudely may I add-with water being splashed in my face. I slowly sat up not opening my eyes yet. Once I had sat up I opened them to the sight of Jason with that retarded smirk on his face and a cup in his hand. So it was him that had splashed me. I stood up so I could punch that smirk off his face but found that I could barely stand at all. My side had been so damaged all I could do is sit there and watch him smirk.

"Nice of you to join us princess." He almost purrs.

"A princess wouldn't have to deal with shit like you!" I hiss back while imagining his execution in my head. He pulls out a remote from his pocket.

"I'd be careful what you say princess, we wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we."

"What do you mean?" I ask eyeing the remote. The signal for whatever it goes to is transmitted from the front so if anything blocks the signal it won't work.(inner nerd #sorrynnotsorry)

"Look at your wrist." He instructs. There is some sort of bracelet, it fits perfectly and doesn't move around at all. The bracelet is flat and seems to be all metal.

"That bracelet emits an electric shock, I control the velocity with this remote. The higher the number the higher the voltage." He say demonstrating by moving the dial.

The dial goes up to 10 with intervals of one.

"Any time you disobey me or refuse to do something you will be shocked. After two shocks on one level I will move it up to the next level. If you get shocked at level 10 you will most likely die... Any questions?" He says.

"Just one" I say " Why would you kidnap me just to kill me?"

"Aww princess you think you won't break before level 10, trust me not even you are that strong willed." He says walking over to me. "Now lets go." He says picking me up.

I can't even try to get away even being carried like this hurts. I guess I'm in for an adventure.


Okay sorry for not updating I've been busy, and happy thanksgiving! Well except for me thanksgiving dinner is on Saturday. Woohoo okay okay another update tomorrow? Yeah that sounds good okay thanks for reading and btw sorry not edited.

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