Chapter 10

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Ugh I'm soooo full!" I moan as I lay back on the bed.

"Me too!" Kayla says joining me.

"How much do you think we ate?" I ask.

"I don't know but I feel like a giant bowling ball and we barely made a dent in the pile." She says with a sigh.

"I know!"

"Wow what happened in here?" Jason asks again just barging in.

"Seriously could you knock!" I say standing up.

"Why would I need to?" He asks.

"We could be changing!" Me and Kayla say in unison.

"First off you don't have any other clothes you could be changing into, second I wouldn't mind it ladies." He says with that smirk coming back all over again. Okay I almost gagged at that, *cough cough* Perv *cough cough*.

"Okay ew and why are you here?" I ask.

"I am here because you to are going to start obedience training." He says clapping his hands together.

"Last I checked we were people not dogs." Kayla says.

"And last I checked I'm the one that kidnapped you two, so I'm in charge, now come on." He says grabbing us both by the arm. I look over at Kayla and she is struggling to get free. Well its now or never.

I rip my arm from his grasp then go over to help Kayla. Just as I manage to get her free two of Jason's friends show up and cut off our escape. One of the guys and Jason both grab me while the other one takes Kayla. I continue to thrash and I get away for about five seconds a few times but more and more guys show up and there are three holding me and three around me.

I wonder where all these people are coming from and why there are so many associated with a kidnapping. I cant see Kayla anymore but when the get me to a room she is sitting in there. They shove me toward her and slam the door closed.

A voice comes over a speaker in the ceiling, it's Jason. "The door opposite the one you can in through has  a gym with a track. You are to both run five miles on the track. The food you ate had chips in it, these will register each time you pass the starting point but only in one direction so you can not cheat. We will be back in one hour, if you are not both done by then its an extra lap." The speaker then cuts off and the door slides open.


Okay not to long but another one before breaks over I promise. (not edited) -Anna

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