Thirster 2467: 5.

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It was with quick movement and Marilyn couldn't comprehend anything. After chaining him down, she sees his eyes slowly flutter open.

They all leave him in the box alone once again after dragging Dr. Harris dead body out. Some scientists mourned about her death but others didn't even made any sudden movements towards her body. Such as Dr. Sammis.

Marilyn walks closer to him, grabbing his hand that's ready to press the red button.

"Don't you dare." Marilyn snaps with gritted teeth. Dr. Sammis pulls away from her grip, pushing her back.

He presses the button and suddenly loud noises like engines started to echo the room. Thirster 2467 brings his gaze up above him, looking at the ceiling.

Suddenly the ceiling starts to split open and bright sunlight starts to shine through the expanding crack. The sunlight soon touches his body and the vampire screams in pain.

Marilyn yell at Dr. Sammis to stop. She can't handle watching smoke burn off his skin and his bare flesh becoming burnt in crisp.

Marilyn charges towards Dr. Sammis, slamming into him which prevents him from expanding the ceiling more. She clicks on the button to close it and it slowly does. Relief hushes her and abruptly, armed men attack her.

"Get her out of here until she has respect." Marilyn doesn't fight back but let's them take her out of the room. They toss her into the hallway, the men standing in front of the closed metal doors so she doesn't try to get in.

Marilyn huffs out in defeat, turning her heel and making her way down to her room.


Marilyn slowly pulls the thick covers off of her body and makes her way out of the warm embrace under them. She can't stop thinking about Thirster 2467 and it's driving her nuts.

The pain he is pulling through these past few days are painful for her to watch. How much she wants to hurt Dr. Sammis badly. She has lost her trust with him and now she's alone here because she lost everyone else's.

If the monster in that bright box in Area 75 isn't going to talk to her during the day with the scientists around him, maybe he'll speak during the night.

Marilyn pulls her hair into a high pony tail, slipping on a pair of jeans and putting on a t-shirt. After putting on her converse she slowly makes her way out of her bedroom. Slowly, she tip toes out the door without waking Lee up from any noise.

Marilyn knows from roaming around at night around Area 75 that there is no security inside. All of them are on duty outside the ground of Area 75 to watch unexpected visitors. Mostly graffiti artists who sneak at night to graffiti on government property.

The door buzzes to let her in where the vampires are held captive after scanning her ID. She passes all the creatures snarling and calling out on her, disturbing words. She keeps her head high and stares at the door ahead that she is trying to reach.

Eventually she walks in, silently shutting it behind her and turning around to the cart of glasses. She places them on and makes her way to the only lit box with Thirster 2467.

His head is hung low, staring down at the white tiles and drumming his fingers along the edge of the arm chair that he's strapped on.

Marilyn stares across from him, her breathing pace increasing. Fog appears on the glass because of how close she is to the glass wall and how cold it is. Goosebumps run along her body and she knew there shouldn't be no time wasted.

Thirster 2467Where stories live. Discover now