Thirster 2467: 7.

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Marilyn stayed away from the scientists. She didn't want to be near them at all because of the dirty looks they were giving her and the attitude Dr. Sammis was giving her.

She stayed in the cafeteria where the workers eat lunch and she quietly went on her phone and read a book she's been reading for weeks.

While reading she couldn't concentrate at all. She was so angry at the scientists here who make her look like the bad guy. But all these years she liked when the vampires were in pain and all of a sudden she changed her mind?

Marilyn didn't really change her mind, Thirster 2467 changed her mind. There's something about him, something that makes her want to save him.

"I need to see him." She mumbles to herself while taking a large bite of the mashed potatoes on her fork. She can't let them keep on hurting him or he'll not trust her.

Thirster 2467 kept his eyes closed, reminiscing about the cold wind of Central Park brushing along his bare skin. It was dark out and no one was really in the park besides older teens or adults going for a late night run.

It was just another regular vampire life for him. He tried to find his perfect meal to feed then hide back in the shadows before the sunrises.

But others were behind his tail and he didn't sense it at all. Even though they were human they were still smart on what they were doing. He was fooled by the woman trying to seduce him.

He craved for her and followed to end her life but he never reached that point. She took him somewhere far and deep in the park where no one would dare to go at night. He hears the zoo not that far, the animals calling in the night.

It happened all at once. The armed men, the woman shooting him down. The large truck. The chains.

He snaps his eyes open and bares his sharp teeth to fear the person in front of him. Marilyn gasps, stepping back and tripping on her own feet.

When he realized who it is, he stops his snarling, slumping back in his seat silently.

"I-I'm sorry if I scared you." Marilyn chokes out and the vampire grinds his teeth together.

"You didn't scare me, I just have a habit of scaring people." He pauses, bringing his gaze to her face. "It's just amusing."

"Really? Because you didn't hear me walking in or coming in here at all."

"Why are you here? You got caught why chance it again."

"Because I need answers."

"There's no reason for me to give you answers. What things about my personal life is going to help you humans?" Marilyn shrugs, crossing her arms across your chest."

"What's your name?"

"What's your name?"

"You already know it."

"I know Marilyn. Such a beautiful name."

"So..." She carries on, ignoring the compliment. "Your name?"

"Not really important now. I barely use it."

"Oh come' on!" She grows frustrated and the vampire smirks at her reaction. He likes when she gets annoyed, there's something about it that's makes it entertaining.

"I already told you my name which made me think back of my human years so no." Marilyn tries to understand from his thick accent.

"What was wrong about your human years?" He frowns and looks away. He doesn't say a word besides clenching his hands into fists on the arms of the chair. Marilyn huffs out a sigh, deciding now whether she should tease him or not. "Fine, if you don't give me answers, you won't get something you really need."

Thirster 2467Where stories live. Discover now