Thirster 2467: 21.

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Marilyn finishes unpacking in her new Studio as she sits on the couch that views the whole City up high. The lights from each building were illuminating in the dark sky. She takes the invitation out of her pocket and unfolds it. She tries to smooth out the crinkles while she reads the date of when the party will be. 

Luckily it's going to be this weekend which is three days away. A smile creeps on Marilyn's lips as she places it besides her on the couch. She takes one last glance outside before heading into the small section where her 'bedroom' will be. It's a really dull white room so she starts to decorate it with the things she had in the Area. 

She starts to go through her closet to find a formal dress but there's nothing. She huffs out in annoyance and keeps a list in the back of her head to go out tomorrow and buy a dress. Her stomach starts to growl but she ignores the hungry pain because there's nothing to eat in the Studio. 

She strips out of her day clothes and puts on her pajamas. She'll just shower tomorrow morning before going out. Marilyn slips under her bed sheets and she sighs, rolling the smooth fang of Pierce's between her fingers. She feels uncomfortable touching it because it has savagely ripped into innocent lives but somehow it's soothing her.

She's thinking about the vampire locked in the underground Area alone and suffering in his own skin. He needed someone to break open his humanity and Marilyn was the strong one to do so. She runs her fingers over her lips feeling his on them. 

After thinking deeply about him she puts the fang on the nightstand, turning off the lamp besides her bed. Soon she falls in oblivion. 

Lee sits across from Thirster 2467 who is sitting on the ground. He isn't looking at her but at the stained white tiles below him. Lee sneaked her way into the room just to tell him what Marilyn said to her. It feared Lee because she doesn't want Marilyn to die but she can't stop her.

"So she's going to come back?"

"What's what she said."

"Should I trust her?"

"Hun, don't tell me you don't trust her." Pierce looks up at her with his bright cloudy eyes. They are pained with a story and Lee couldn't pry away from them. She worried if he was going to use his mind control on her but he didn't. Not that she knows if he is or will in the future. "She's sacrificing her life for you to get out of here. She's attached to you." 

"Find her and tell her to don't come back." He informs but Lee shakes her head.

"Even if I do she won't listen." He sighs slowly standing on his two feet. He walks closer to the window and rubs the back of his neck. 

"If Marilyn and I both get out alive what do you think will happen?" Asks Pierce. Lee shrugs, nervous that someone will walk in and find her talking to him. 

"I don't really know. Maybe track you guys down but that'll be hard. You're bound from the sun you can only hide at night. Marilyn is the sun, she sure can light what's left of your humanity but I'm sorry to say this but in the end you guys can't be together. It has never happened."

"What if we prove you wrong?" Lee stands from sitting and clasps her hands together. 

"Then I thought wrong." He gazes at her movements towards the door. "Also stay out of trouble. It'll keep you alive longer." She leaves him alone after finishing her last sentence and the vampire sits back on the floor. As the hours went by he laid down on the cold floor and closed his eyes to rest in utter silence. 

Marilyn scavenges through the expensive dress store that was down the block from her Studio and grabs a handful of pretty dresses. She holds them in one arm and when she finishes looking through the whole store she goes into the fitting room. One by one she put them in the 'no' pile but after slipping on a navy blue silk dress she adored it. It kissed every curve on her body and it stopped at the top of her knees. 

It was a V-neck so it dangerously stopped between her breasts and it had thick back spaghetti straps which overlapped with others behind her back, ending at her lower back. 

"May I see Ms. Marilyn?" Asks the assistant that works at the store. Marilyn stares at herself in the mirror and nods her head to herself. 

"Yeah, come' in." The young lady walks inside her changing room and gasps at Marilyn. 

"This is the one. It's perfect on you." Heat runs up to her cheeks and she blushes deeply while giggling to herself. 

"I'll take it." She replies back. 

While walking happily back to her Studio with the dress and a pair of silver heels, Marilyn stops in front of a Party Store. She has forgotten that they'll see her at the party and without hesitation kick her out. She looks through the window of the store and peaks through it. There are a couple of people minding their own business and shopping around.

Marilyn goes in and looks around the shelves. After asking the owner where the masks are for Masquerade Balls she finds the perfect one. It's black with a cat-eyed shape for her eyes. The designs are beautiful and with the makeup she's going to be wearing it'll look great. She buys it. 

She tosses everything on her bed in exhaustion and goes into the kitchen to put all the groceries she bought away. In the afternoon Marilyn cooks dinner and eats in the living room while watching television. She never really watched TV in the Area so this time it's fascinating. Watching the News was disturbing though. They would talk about many 'mysterious' deaths all around the city but Marilyn knows the truth that those naive people don't. Vampires. Demons in the night. 

After eating she decides to go out at night but carefully and alarmed to the crowded Bar. There was many young people enjoying life and Marilyn wanted to explore that for once. The whole night she met new people and many men flirted with her. Marilyn never really had a relationship with a man because of the Area and now that she's having 'something' with a vampire. 

However that night opened her up to a new life she can easily get used to. Something that'll let her grow up normal and not worry about any murdering creatures or hating scientists or secret government. Something she can absorb quickly. 


Pretty boring but next chapter will have some suspense DUN DUN DUN!!!!!

thank you all for checking this story out. I know my grammar can be really bad I know I know but I never said I'm perfect. I've gotten a lot of hateful comments in my other books about how bad my writing is but my plot is really good. However that hasn't given me up by shutting my whole profile down on Wattpad. I'm glad that I'm here sharing my interesting stories to you guys. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside that someone is at least enjoying my book. Those haters can stop reading them and GET OFF MY PAGE!

I know in my lifetime I'm going to get a lot of hateful comments but trust me it doesn't bother me. I'm only glad at how far I've gotten on Wattpad and want to thank my best friends who introduced me to it. Wattpad came during my darkest times in life and I'm glad that I'm still here. Love you all. 

So once again thank you for reading and stay tuned. New vampire books coming up soon in the future. 



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