Thirster 2467: 20.

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Hours go by and Pierce sits in the box alone waiting for the human. He doesn't move in the position he's been sitting besides stare ahead towards the window. The door hasn't opened at all and he starts to grow worried for Marilyn.

He's wondering if they hurt her, punished her or worst, killed her. 

Pierce shakes out of it when he hears someone through the door. The person opens it and it's not who he was expecting. Dr. Sammis glides in with a long smile on his face. It isn't a welcoming smile it's the devil who has plans for the future. 

"Pierce, such a shame." Dr. Sammis starts after clicking the speaker so the vampire can hear him. "You started all of this you know that?" Pierce quickly gets  up from sitting and races to the window, stopping close to the cruel man in front of him.

"What did you do to her?" He hisses, his fangs in full view to fear Dr. Sammis. He shrugs his shoulders and turns away from the vampire. 

"I did nothing. Agent Doloman just agreed in making her leave."

"He didn't."

"Oh he sure did," Pierce tries to collect his thoughts in wondering what he's going to do without Marilyn. Is she really going to give up that easily? "And now it's between me and you... of course you know who's going to win that." 

"I will rip your head off and feed it to the dogs as I cut every other limb attached to your body." The vampire threatens placing his hands against the window. "And I'll make sure it's painful before your last heartbeat." 

"Nice try but I'm not the one who's locked up. You're defeated there is no way out. Now that you don't have Marilyn either you're all alone. Good luck getting out here alive." Without another word he walks out of the room and out the door. Pierce grows furious and punches the window multiple of times. It soon splits his skin open between his knuckles, making his hands bleed. 

Marilyn wipes the tears streaming down her face away with the back of her hand while packing her clothes in the luggage. The effort of trying so hard to help Pierce out and getting to know him is over. Everything is over now. She can't do anything now that she's leaving. 

Lee walks inside her room quietly as Marilyn zips the luggage closed. She places it onto the ground and grabs her backpack. 

"If you want I can come with you to your new studio."

"I'm not a child. I'll be fine on my own."

"But I raised you I can't bare the thought that you're leaving me now." 

"Let's just face it Lee. You never wanted me. When I first got here they probably forced you to raise me. To be like my birth mother that I don't really remember because she was killed by vampires. Ever since I got here after that night I'd have nightmares and what I remember you were never there. I'd cry myself to sleep to help with my PTSD, I'd take the pills they forced me to take so I don't have to relive that night. That night that changed my whole view on life. That night that tormented me and I was too afraid to ask for your comfort because you were always doing your own business."


"Don't Marilyn me! You have no right to be here for me right now when I'm leaving forever. I was trying to do what's best. Pierce, he woke me to see the dark in our life. All these years I thought this was the right thing to do. To kill them and get revenge. I wanted revenge more than anything. But we are killers too. When I met him there was something different about him. He had a life, he never wanted this.  We're as bad as they are. We all thirst for blood. They're just adolescent bodies with old souls. They're ruthless savages who are sick and besides torturing them we need to help them." More tears were running down Marilyn's face but she didn't bother to wipe them away.

Lee stood there astonished by Marilyn's exclaim. Her hands were shaking and her lips were quivering. Soon she breaks down in tears walking towards the edge of the bed and burying her face into her hands. 

Marilyn sighs before walking towards her. She sits besides her and runs her hands along her arms. Lee sobs into her hands trying to stop but can't.

"I'm sorry this has to happen." 

"I tried so hard Marilyn. It hurts knowing you're leaving. When you first came here I volunteered to take you because it was during my darkest times when I had a miscarriage. My husband left me at the time and I wanted you. I'm just so sorry I wasn't there for you." Marilyn looks at Lee with a frown on her face because she never knew that Lee had a husband or lost a child. She feels guilt weigh in her stomach after shouting at her about all the things she wasn't satisfied with having her as a 'mom'.  

"Lee I think it's better if I leave now you don't have to come."

"Okay," She sniffles after rubbing her red swollen eyes. "Okay." They both get up from sitting on the bed and Marilyn puts on her backpack. "I'll bring your luggage out for you." Marilyn walks out of her room and into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. Placed on the counter is an invitation for the annual party the whole Area has every year.

She folds it up before Lee comes out and slips it in her pocket. Next to the letter was the keys to every door in this Area that Lee has had for years. She takes them and puts them in the side pocket of her backpack. Lee puts the luggage next to the door without any knowledge of Marilyn taking her stuff. 

"I don't trust Dr. Sammis. He's hiding something from all of us." Mariyln turns to Lee and stares at her. "You know I'm not going to give up."

"I know that. You're a really strong person."

"Do one favor then forget about everything."

"What is it?"

"Tell Pierce that I'll be back soon. Also try your hardest to not let them kill him." Lee stares back with wide worried eyes. Marilyn doesn't let her respond so she quickly grabs her luggage and rolls it down the hallway and out the doors of Hell. 


It's almost done. I'm sorry!

I know you all probably hate me because I haven't updated. So thankfully I passed all my exams and its the middle of Summer! I've been living life and doing many fun things with my friends. I'm also still in Physical Therapy and I'm doing Drivers Ed that's why I haven't written in a while. I've been busy and everyday I sleep a lot. I think my body needs it so I'm sleeping during the day too.

I'll be back very very very soon I promise that because I want to finish this book so I can carry on to my new Vampire book that I'm working on!



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