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/Everybody gets high sometimes, you know. What else can we do when we're feeling low? So take a deep breath, and let it go. You shouldn't be drowning on your own. And if you feel your sinking, I will jump right over, into cold, cold water for you/

"What do you mean the files are lost?!" I shouted at the Sheriff. He looked upset, but so was I. His officers lost the files on all the criminals living in Wichita, which was great for us. "A sixteen year old girl was tortured, raped and murdered - and you're telling me you can't get the fucking files on all the offenders in Wichita?!"

I inched closer to David, readying my fist. Owen's arms wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me back. "I apologize for Agent Walker's behavior. She's just very passionate about cases like these." Owen said through gritted teeth, as I tried to claw my way out of his tight embrace.

When the Sheriff left, Owen released me as I saw Jack and May's eyes practically pop out of there head. Placing both hands on my hips, I sighed and pushed my hair out of my face. "I'll be back in a minute," I told them. Jack stepped towards me, only to earn a hand on his shoulder. I could see that Owen was telling Jack everything about leaving me be with just his eyes.

Stepping through the door into the women's washroom, I felt like my entire body collapsed over the sink. I looked up into the mirror and saw the bags beneath my eyes. While everyone slept last night, I couldn't with the image of Maria burned in my memory. Wetting my hands, I ran them through my hair, and gathered my blonde hair into a tight ponytail. Splashing water onto my face, I sighed and stayed in that position - a hot mess, leaning over the bathroom sink. I heard the door open, as May appeared beside me.

"You didn't sleep last night." She said, instead of asking me. I groaned, staring at the screwed up life that was laughing in my face. "You can't work properly, if you don't sleep." She said coolly. I slammed my hands on the sink, and headed towards the door. "Kris..." May's voice lost her hint of anger, and seemed emotionless. Giving into her sanity, I turned around and looked her in the eye. "You need to take care of yourself. I'm worried 'bout you. We all are."

There was no reply on my end, as I walked out of the bathroom. I passed by the room where Owen and Jack sat. I could feel their eyes watching me as I stepped out of the precinct into the cool autumn morning air.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and let my mind race to all different kinds of places. May was right, I would just never admit it. We all worked better with fully rested minds. And mine was in a state far from rested.

As I sat on the bench in front of the main window, I reached into my pocket for my cell phone, and went into 'callers'. Scrolling through the very long list, I smiled and mentally thanked whatever higher power there is when I saw the name of the woman I needed now more than ever.

Holding the device up to my right ear, I heard the silent ringing until her voice echoed in my head. "Hello?"

"Hey, Joan." I said calmly. Suddenly squeals came from the other line as I heard faint tapping until I heard her again.

"I'm always yours, tell me what you need sweetheart, and I will do it." I chuckled lightly, feeling a slight weight lift off my shoulders.

"Well, I need you to work your magic and dive into the files of all the known offenders in Wichita and fax them to the Wichita precinct."

"Uh oh, what happened?" She said as if she knew there was something wrong.

"They lost the files." A gasp came from her side as I heard more tapping as she mumbled something incoherently.

"Holy shit." Joan mumbled, as I waited for her to continue...because I knew she would. "There are a lot on this list." She whispered and I could hear the frightened part of her voice come out. "I'll minimize the names and create boundaries according to the case."

THE CRIMINAL FILES ~ Tragedy at its FinestWhere stories live. Discover now