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That is the end of my story!! Hope u guys all liked it! There will be more books to come because this is a series so stay tuned for more of Kris, Owen, May and Jack's adventures!

Here's a little sneak peek of my next book: THE CRIMINAL FILES ~ Miss Jackson.


"Stop!" I screamed, but the sound could be barely heard against the crashing of a heavy object into water.

I ran across the bridge, defying everything Owen and May were telling me.

The woman flashed me a toothy grin, and ran off in the other direction. But I didn't follow her. The slight frost on the ground indicated that it was in fact the end of October, and the beginning of November.

I pushed myself forward, until I came to the bank of the large pond.

And in the middle of that pond, was the familiar FBI jacket Jack owned - floating on top of the still water. Except, there was no Jack.

THE CRIMINAL FILES ~ Tragedy at its FinestWhere stories live. Discover now