Chapter 3: the realization

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I was freaking out about everything that happened last night and I think I woke Hannah up by it.

"Sayre, what are you doing?" She questioned as I was pacing around the dorm.

"What does it look like I'm doing! I'm freaking out I have a date tonight and in two weeks were going to the Nice Guy." I yelled with emphasis on the Nice Guy.

"Okay, okay calm down," Hannah started as she got out of bed, "I have a killer hangover so please be more quiet. It's good you have a date though so clam down about that. Why are you freaking out over the nice guy though?"

"Umm are you kidding?" I said looking at hannah with a puzzled look trying to stay calm."That's where 5sauce likes to hang out, What if they're there when we are? I mean they're on a break from tour hanging out here." Hannah's eyes widened she wasn't their biggest fan but she still was a fan and she knew how much I loved them.

"Oh okay wow thats a great reason to freak out."

"I know, what if I meet Michael and we fall in love?" I questioned

"He probably won't fall in love with you I'm sorry. I don't want your hopes too high. But you may meet him."

"Yeah you're right, meeting him or anyone from 5sauce would just be amazing though I wish I could tell him how happy he makes me and all the amazing things him and his band have done for me." I said being more realistic. "Anyway want to grab some breakfast we can go to your favorite hang over place." I said grabbing my keys.

"You mean Manuel's?" Hannah said with so much happiness in her eyes like a little kid on christmas.

"Yes Manuel's" I responded as she ran out the door to my car.


When we pulled up there was almost no one there so we didn't have to wait for a table or anything. We sat down and I looked at the menu as I few people walked in I didn't look up to see them though.

Then Hannah kicked me under the table.

"What do you want."I said annoyed, then I looked around and I saw him sitting there and gasped, "I-i-is that C-Calum H-Hood." I said feeling my heart beat out of my chest. Then he looked over and I swear my heart stopped. I think he noticed I was a fan because he smiled and waved at me. I smiled and waved back, "Omg he just waved at me."

"We should go talk to him." Hannah said as she stood up and grabbed my arm.

"I'm scared."

"You'll be fine"She responded and pulled me over

A/N a cliff hanger I wonder what will happen I bet you can't guess *sarcasm* I love you guys though and hope your having a great day if anyone is actually reading this thanks <3

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