Superboy x reader

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After meeting everyone you decided to join the team and help when you can without interfering too much. You weren't all that special or have any flashy superpowers. You did however have enhanced senses, super strength, amazing reflexes and overall badassdom. At this point you've been on the team for 2 months and everyone pretty much likes you, but you a two-faced hoe so you don't like everybody and just pretend to for benefits.

You and the others were out on a mission to collect information on a drug trafficking business when things got a little...out of hand.

The bad guys were armed and spotted Miss Martian causing all hell to break loss. Bullets were tossed about, arrows and other weapons here and there, occasional breeze due to Bart. You were fighting 4 guys by yourself, which really wasn't a problem. You were a warrior back home and you excelled in fighting. With a punch here and a punch there, lets add in a few kicks and they're knocked out.

Just as you were done with the 4th guy you spot another one of the bad guys getting ready to shoot Artemis and she didn't take notice. Almost instantly you flashed in front of her and took a bullet to the abdominal region. You gasped at the pain and clenched at the wound to keep it from bleeding out.

You heard Conner yell your name. "(y/n)!"

Your knees were about to give out when you found a sudden determination to punch the guy who took the shot. Forcing yourself to stay up and making your eyes focus just long to spot the guy. Bingo.

You sprinted for him with everything you got and with all the power you could conjure you whacked the guy across the jaw and he went flying. A triumphant smirk played at your lips and one last curse. "Wanker."

You pass out.

-------time skip cause I don't have time to do it (even though I'm currently unemployed and haven't started uni yet) ------------

Your consciousness snaps awake and you slowly opened your eyes. When the light adjusts you squint as it was too much, then from the corner of your eyes you spot Conner next to you. His eyes instantly lights up. "(y/n)! Your awake."

You gave him a small smile. "Yeah. but...I can see the light Conner. It's right in front of me."

Conner instantly grabbed your hand and grasp it tightly. His eyes filled with worry and fear of losing you. His voice came out pleading and desperate. "No (y/n). Don't go to the light. Your needed here."

You turned your head slightly and found that other members of the team were behind him looking sad. "But Conner-"

"No!" He yelled. Which startled you slightly. "You can't go to the light. Don't please."

Some of the others were sniffling in the background too filled with emotions to try and say anything, as they knew their voices would betray them and crack. "Conner, the light it was-"

"NO! I won't let you go. We need you. Your one of us now. And you can't give up so easily either (y/n). You can fight this. We know you can. So, please. Don't leave us."

You couldn't hold it in anymore. You burst out laughing, so hard that you cause the bullet wound to re-open. "HAHAHAHAHAHA NO! OUCH. HAHAHA NOT WANT I MEANT! ouch. I meant the light blub is directly above me and it was blinding. HAHAHAHA you guys thought I was-"

You rolled around in the bed clutching your stomach and wiping tears from your eyes. When you were done and looked at everyone they were not happy. Lets just say no one talked to you for the rest of the day.

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