Jamie Reyes x reader

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You and Jamie have been hanging quite a bit with the occasional involvement of Bart, which you really don't mind since he's such a cutie. Tonight Batman let the team off, so you and Jamie both liked the idea of watching movies and eating junk foods till you guys pass out. You were setting up the lounge by bringing down blankets, extra pillows, bringing out the food and trying to keep the others from eating them.

You received a message from Jamie.

Almost there

k man

You prepared a few movies some good action-packed martial arts ones and a few with Jackie Chan cause why not? You sat down on the sofa to wait for him to arrive. Bart enters the room and was about to steal a packet of chocolate pocky when you glared at him. He stopped reaching for them and looked at you with pure fear evident in his eyes. He gulped and moved his hand away slowly.

With a sheepish smile Bart asks, "Could I have one please?"

You continued to glare for a moment more before smiling brightly. "No."

"Aw, but-"

"I am not afraid of murder."

With that Bart zoomed away and just in time too, as Jamie flew into the room and deactivated his armour revealing a smiling face. "Hola, (y/n)."

"What's up hermano." As you said that his face dropped for a second, but quickly went back to smiling. He hoped that you didn't notice, but you did but shook it off. "What movie did you bring?"

He plopped down next to you tossing the CDs on the table and grabbed the packet of cookies. You reached for them. "The notebook? From me to you? The fault in our stars?" You turned and gave him a quizzical face.


"Seriously hermano? Chessy chick flicks?"

"Come on mi amigo. They're not that bad."

You laughed. "I had a feeling you would be the sensitive type, but wow."

"Well I heard that girls like sensitive guys."

You stopped laughing and looked into his eyes with a playful smirk. "They do. Especially in bed." His eyes widened in response with his mouth a gape and beet red, as he didn't expect you to respond like that. You laughed at his reaction. "Dude chilled. Just messing with you."

He looked away feeling embarrassed. "No scarab."

 "How about we go for classic Jackie Chan?"

He mumbled a "ok".

You put the movie in and watched it. Jamie would so often take glances at you smiling to himself at how beautiful you looked while smiling and laughing. He wanted to be more than just friends with you but he was afraid to destroy what you guys had. Too afraid of rejection and then losing you because he made it awkward. But he can't keep being afraid he needs to make the leap and hope for the best. While you were intensely indulging yourself in the fight scene he moved closer and closer, until he was right next to you almost touching shoulders.

He looks at you and you felt he was closer to you more than before so you turned to face him. His face was so close that you could feel his warm breath on your face. His breath had a faint smell of chocolate and mint. You didn't know what to do. You wanted to continue watching the movie, but something inside you wouldn't allow yourself to look away from his gorgeous mud brown eyes. He started to lean in. Your mind was racing and blank at the same time. Your heart was beating rapidly in your ears. How should you react to this?

Your faces were just inches away from each others just a little more and your lips would meet. Jamie's gaze was shifting from your eyes to your lips looking to see if he should continue. You didn't move so he lean in even more and his lips were just about to meet yours. Barely glazing each others-

"Hey guys!" You both made a quick retreat as Bart wedged his way to sit in between you and Jamie. You were undoubtedly red as was he. Bart looked at you both. "Was I interrupting something."

"No-no way ese."

"Are you sure?" Bart squinted his eyes at Jamie.

"I'm sure ese. But I wish that you hadn't." He whispered that part so quietly that Bart didn't hear him. But you did with your enhanced hearing. You grew even more red, as if that was even possible.

"Me too..."  You whispered.

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